IR News, from the same publisher, was more of a tabloid than a magazine. I always purchased them both whenever I visited my friendly, not all that close to my neighborhood, porn establishment.
I think this is probably from some little white boi who fantasizes this would happen to his mommy!
Mr Black Guy says:
02/21/2012 at 12:18 pm
Hello to all you white guys that their white wives are carring a black baby.
My goal is to get married woman pregnant…. I (we black men) want to stop...
I totally agree "getting along" does not mean allowing someone to keep abusing you or yours. "Can't we ALL just get along means just that. ALL get along. It is give and take on all sides. I am not going to say I know what anyone else was trying to say in a post. I do THINK, however, Vera's piost...
Bet them Baylor Baptists are havin' a shit-fit about this development. (Then going to their room to beat off to the image in their pervert pea brain of her suckin' his heisman trophy winnin' black dick!)
mrscondo replied..
"As a well used slut I would like to think that the men who have had me have been kept so busy and turned on they couldn't or wouldn't think of using the phone! Maybe the young lady in picture number 4 from the left needs to work on her technique!"
he is giving her cuck...