perhaps the lyrics from this song from Hair will help
I'm a
Colored spade
A black
A black black
A jungle bunny
Jigaboo coon
Pickaninny mau mau
Uncle Tom
Aunt Jemima
Little Black Sambo
Cotton pickin'
Swamp guinea
Junk man
Shoeshine boy
Lindsay Lohan is shooting nude photos for Playboy -- TMZ has confirmed -- and LiLo don't strip for peanuts ... the spread will earn her almost a million dollars!
Sources say the deal has been in the works for months, and that Lindsay balked at an initial $750K offer because she wanted ... ONE...
these are several years old..Ann with Jimmy (J.J.) Walker...
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and it looks like she has something she likes on speed dial with that cell phone.
about a half dozen episodes from this really great series..okay, the dialogue is hokey, but you don't watch this shit for the dialogue!
Why do white women prefer black men over their own race? This is for white women who have been with black men.Have you ever had sex with a black man?
85% (111) Yes
14% (19) No
130 voters have answered this question.
(there are 19 white women out there who seem to have trouble...