OK, so last night I'm leaving to go out to eat. There are two white girls in front of me. I pay them no mind and pass, and I'm on my way when I hear, "How ya doin' tonight?" I figured it was one of them who got on her cell phone or something, or she was probably talking to somebody else. A couple of seconds pass and I look back, and I realize the person was talking to me!
So, I'm like, "Good, what's up?" That's when one of them says can they have a few moments of my time. Oh boy, here it comes, and I knew EXACTLY who and what they were . . . Mormon missionaries! I just know the look . . . the modus operandi. And sure enough, the two white girls were Mormon missionaries!
There was a blonde one and a brunette one. The blonde was doing the talking, and introduced herself as "Sister" something or another. Didn't catch her name. But, I noticed she was darn CUTE! Just how I like 'um too . . . golden blonde hair, pretty face, nice smile and voice, some sexy curves, big phat whooty (_I_)! Dang! She asked me if I had heard of their church. Uuhh . . YEAH! So then she goes on blah, blah, blah and gives me a card and asks me to check out their website.
Then she asks if they can call me sometime and arrange to come over to my place when I'm free so that they can talk to me about their church and faith! I said some stuff about how busy I am (true), and that I would check out their website first and call them if I was interested. Cutie pie blondie Mormon girl said her number was on the card she gave me, and to contact her if I wanted to follow up and talk about Mormonism. We said our good byes and parted ways.
But now, I'm like YEAH maybe I should convert to Mormonism like them other niggas so I can get with one of those pretty, white as rice Mormon girls! LOL! I mean, I can quit drinkin' easy! I only have about two drinks a week, if even that much. I can stop that in a heartbeat. I don't smoke. And, I need to stop cussin' so much anyway! But I'll be da . . . I mean I'm not about to give up pork! Do Mormons eat pork cuz I'm not about to give up the pig! I mean a nig . . . I mean a black man gotta have that PORK on his brain ;D! I need a white girl to fix me up some pork chops and applesauce
So, I don't know . . . should I call up "Sister so and so", the pretty blonde Mormon missionary, and have her come over to my place with her partner to talk about the book of Mormon? To borrow from Ellie Goulding, the book of Mormon is "calling, calling, calling . . . Romney's calling, calling, calling . . . . "

If I convert, can I have like two or three or more white girls for wives takin' care of me :-[

? What's the dealio here???