Thick Nigga Dick
Well it's a new year . . . 2012! And I've decided I'd like to try to meet some new friends. I mean some new friends besides the ones I've met online lately. Friends for real meetings. The thing is, I've been scouring the internet and just not finding what I'm looking for in terms of "sourcing" shall we say. I mean there are all kinds of sites with personal ads and all that, but the ads tend to be somewhat old, unorganized, and not sorted by geography. Also, too many men and a LOT of fakes.
It's fantastic chatting with a beautiful lass from Sydney, but what are the chances of us ever meeting? Slim to none. Just like all politics, interracial sex is local
That said, I do have occasion to travel (just not to Australia). That's why I would really like to find a site that does a good job with categorization by geography. Who knows . . . I could be coming to your town!
I've been frustrated in my search for a good site. Niggerworship hits the mark in so many ways, but even here when it comes to actively reaching out for hook-ups, we're just not there yet. The critical mass . . . the organization . . . when it comes to hook-ups they're lacking. I abandoned Dark Cavern for black Worship, but I remember that DC had a ton of ads. But even there, it was just one long scroll (at least the last time I was there, which has been a very long time).
And then it hit me. Well hell! We have a crowd of experts here . . . I'll ask my NW friends about it! So look. If anybody out there knows of a good site(s) that's strong in the personal ads category with good organization and structure based around geography/location, let a black know. Hey, let all of us know! I don't want to, but I might have to look in the Cavern again. Anybody been in there lately? What does the personals section look like these days?
In a lot of ways, I miss the good old days of the swinger magazines. Although you had the national ones, lots of those were regional and/or locally focused. That was a huge advantage and help because remember . . . like all politics . . . interracial fuckin' is local! Those regional and local mags allowed you to reach your target audience much, much better. Like I said, the great thing about the internet is that you can meet somebody from Australia. And the bad thing about the internet is that you can meet somebody from Australia!
Come on now somebody . . . help hook a black up in 2012! But whatever you do, don't come talkin' to me about Adult Friendfinder. That site sucks! Lots of fakes . . . lots of dead ads . . . way too many men and not enough women . . . and when I did hear from somebody it was an f'in freak! White boy come contactin' me lookin' like HERMAN MUNSTER in drag! The only thing missing to go with his bad make-up and earrings were two pins sticking out of either side of his neck! WTF???
It's fantastic chatting with a beautiful lass from Sydney, but what are the chances of us ever meeting? Slim to none. Just like all politics, interracial sex is local
I've been frustrated in my search for a good site. Niggerworship hits the mark in so many ways, but even here when it comes to actively reaching out for hook-ups, we're just not there yet. The critical mass . . . the organization . . . when it comes to hook-ups they're lacking. I abandoned Dark Cavern for black Worship, but I remember that DC had a ton of ads. But even there, it was just one long scroll (at least the last time I was there, which has been a very long time).
And then it hit me. Well hell! We have a crowd of experts here . . . I'll ask my NW friends about it! So look. If anybody out there knows of a good site(s) that's strong in the personal ads category with good organization and structure based around geography/location, let a black know. Hey, let all of us know! I don't want to, but I might have to look in the Cavern again. Anybody been in there lately? What does the personals section look like these days?
In a lot of ways, I miss the good old days of the swinger magazines. Although you had the national ones, lots of those were regional and/or locally focused. That was a huge advantage and help because remember . . . like all politics . . . interracial fuckin' is local! Those regional and local mags allowed you to reach your target audience much, much better. Like I said, the great thing about the internet is that you can meet somebody from Australia. And the bad thing about the internet is that you can meet somebody from Australia!
Come on now somebody . . . help hook a black up in 2012! But whatever you do, don't come talkin' to me about Adult Friendfinder. That site sucks! Lots of fakes . . . lots of dead ads . . . way too many men and not enough women . . . and when I did hear from somebody it was an f'in freak! White boy come contactin' me lookin' like HERMAN MUNSTER in drag! The only thing missing to go with his bad make-up and earrings were two pins sticking out of either side of his neck! WTF???