Paying for Black Cock


I am a married Chinese woman who enjoys black men
Coventry UK
I just finished reading a Kindle ebook entitled BBC-black men on white wives by Raymond Conran. It is supposedly an interview with a black man who get s paid by white husbands t fuck their wives- $ 500 a go. He claims that lots of black men make a living this way. I find that very hard to believe. Anyone here have any experience of this?
what do you find hard to believe? husbands paying black guys to fuck their wives or the guys making a living off of it?....i have been approached by middle aged white women...and they have offered up to like $2000 for a fuck session...the way the women looked and the amount she was offering is what i based my decision on....the $2000 amount only happened a handful of times...but i've been approached countless times and the usual amount was $500...only once was it an actual guy that begged me to fuck his wife...but i turned that down cause it kinda creeped me out...the way he begged and wanted to be there if i chose to...he even wanted me to ejaculate on his face....i wasn't down with all that shit...all the other times i have been approached by the women...either they were divorced or they were fucking behind the husbands back...and would want to do it in the home while the husband was at work..which was kinda summer, maybe about 3 years ago i made a nice amount of money from the women in my neighborhood cause the one i fucked frequently told a few of her friends about it and they wanted to "sample" it...she actually had them pay me nice sums of money for an encounter...and i was fuckin her for free cause she basically hooked me up....they were all in their mid 40's -early 50's....
to be honest I think that a real man would fuck a nice girl for free
I understand that is a promotional video of Hedonism,

but believe me, if I go to Brixton area in London, to find a black cock for my gf,

I will not spend a cent.
mrscondo said:
As a woman, all I can say is if you are paying for black cock, or any cock for that matter, you ain't doing it right! Work on your technique!
that depends....most of these cunts aint worth the's all about dat "paypuh"
have paid quite a bit over the years for bbc. makes getting repeat superior cock easier if they know its a payday! sure she can get plenty for free. but quantity is not always quality!

she has a couple she sees regularly. usually 200/fuck. seems reasonable. no complaints here.

plus there is something hot about the money exchange that makes it hotter..cant put my finger on what it for us!
Women are suppose to pay for black dick.Its a valuable commodity.Alot of women THINK THAT A PUSSY IS EVERYTHANG ANYWAY and that theirs don't stank.Shit.They want to fuck just like everybody else.Like the saying goes.YOU GOTTA PAY TO PLAY.

Sincerely Yours,
Soulpole AKA Soul In The Motherfucking Hole
soulpole said:
Alot of women THINK THAT A PUSSY IS EVERYTHANG ANYWAY and that theirs don't stank.Shit.They want to fuck just like everybody else.Like the saying goes.YOU GOTTA PAY TO PLAY.
word up...

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