And from out of left field?!? I'd be embarrassed if I wasn't so happy about it!


Eat that frosted pussy whiteboy!
I never thought I'd do it, but finally, I have been fully dominated, by a godlike deep coal black complected black man; much as I hate to say, the sex was incredible, and I'm so glad I gave it up to him now and I'm sure I'll be giving it up to black guys, much like my wife, a lot from now on!!... Anyway this guy is possessing of an incredibly large penis, He came over horny, his huge dick just outside his pants and he comes in with that big dick in plain view hanging out his fly (and for that matter maybe our niegbors got a nice view of that beautiful piece of man meaat as he walked up to our front door he made no effort to hide that massive semi hard big black dick, but then why would a man such as this hide such an awe inspiring nad beatiful specimen of man meat; something like that should be displayed proudly so white girls everywhere can get a look at the heaven that awaits them or whitebois like me now can see why we should be falling to our knees thanking god for an opportunity to have such a dick in our mouths!)

Anyway the wife had had something happen and got stuck and couldn't be ready for their date as had been planned, and I was the only one home when he arrived. He's one of my wife's more dominant lovers and best hung as well. I wasn't too surprised to see that dick hanging out and on display, but I guess I must have been staring because I sort of didn't get that he was telling me how I'd have to make up for it, and that I';d have to give it up to him like the wife does, probably let him dominate and fuck me like a bitch all night. Before I knew it he was snapping his fingers like he does for my wife (and she is to instantly drop fto her knes and start sucking). Hell, such a thing is natural, and of course it's all just proper respect being shown to a black man.

The most bizarre part is I didn't even hesitate; I just found myself dropping to my knees before his godlike and already hardening dick and taking it into my motuh and throat and giving him th best head job black dick worshoip session then and there, on our porch in the early evening for all on the street to see! Before I even knew how turned on I am, I am just bobbing and slobbing his huge black dick, rubbing cupping and sucking the balls and deep throating as much as I could of it, right on my own porch! I was so turned on but it all felt so somletely natural for some reason. I don't know, maybe I've just wanted it for years and couldn't admit it to myself?!? I was so turned on, like I have rarely been in my life, and I attacked that dick and gave it a worship job with my mouth until he unloaded his balls into my mouth and down my throat before we even left my porch! I was so turned on as I swallowed blast after blast of his black cum! Savoring and swallowing it all...

You can imagine my surprise when as I got up and was expecting him to do after having busted his nut in my mouth, but instead he slaps me on my ass and says "Get inside bitch, I ain't even done making you a little bitch today. Your little wife ain't here and a black gotta demand respect don't I? So I'm gonna fuck yo lil whiteboy azz and you gonna like it!", which of course like doesn't even begin to cover how great it was to take his dick all evening.

What ensued can only be descibed as the most intense sex of my life. He made me get in the wife's bra and panties, and he must have fucked me like his little bitch for three hours, I have no idaea how many btimes he cam e in my boi-pussy, but I can say it was a few, and he's made it very clear he has friends I will soon be serving sexually, and that I better get used to the idea, that from now on, my sex life will consist of being a whiteboi-fucktoy for big black and hung men, as often as they like, and the isnsane part is I can't wait to be fucked like that and used again! Now I'm just one more bitch who knows and is under the spell of the power of black dick, and I wouldn't ever want to miss out on sex like last night.

I'm as shocked as anyone about this, but fact of the matter is, if I had any wish in the world right now it's that I'd have a black guy with a 10" dick come in and offer to show me what he can do with it! I wonder if "pussy" is a thing of the past for me now? Thing is, I'm almost hoping it is as hot as it was to just let go to a real man and just focus on being his bitch and worshiping his dick.

PS (pregnancy goes well, and wife is excited as I am about me learning to love black dick like she deos, she says she's very proud of me for this and is rewarding me with cutting off pussy to me, and as I just said, I don't think I'll miss it much any time soon! I guess I better get on my day; I was instructed to shave my legs and body hair before work because I have to go shopping with the wife for some girly things to wear for my new black daddy!
Things have progressed significantly in your marriage recently!
Any chance that your gorgeous and super sexy wife had a degree of complicity in the fun you exeperienced; maybe by "accidently on purpurse" getting held up so you had the chance to entertain her horny date by yourself?
kandrsp said:
Things have progressed significantly in your marriage recently!
Any chance that your gorgeous and super sexy wife had a degree of complicity in the fun you exeperienced; maybe by "accidently on purpurse" getting held up so you had the chance to entertain her horny date by yourself?

Turns out you were right, it was exactly that; she thought maybe I'd like it and go for it and turns out she was right!
There is nothing quite as much fun as a woman on a quest!
(I've also sent you a message with some more thoughts.)
Well I guess in a way it is embarrassing, I mean I'm not gay or even bi or shown any tendency, yet now I'm being a little bottom bitch for a couple of black guys every night of late and I can't get enough big black dick! Best sex of my life and I can say it with no hesitation. I just crave big black dick all day and take it all night and get by on a bit of sleep. Hot as hell (still think I got a bit of black-nut leaking from me from the night's fun)!

But anyway it's not why I respond; kandrsp, would you mind if I paste your PM in this thread? I am OK with it and I think you are onto something and it's worth discussing on the open forum. I mean I'm ready to share my experience becoming a black cock slutboi here, so why not open the discussion up totally? I can remain discrete enough here so far, and I mean come on, crazy as it is, I actually did give a black guy a blowjob to completion on my porch in the broad daylight. I didn't see any neighbor watching but we all know some probably were so...?
Well since you were talking to me and about my situation I'll just take the liberty of sharing:

["kandrsp" said:
Clearly she can read you like a book and knew you would take to that role like a duck to water!

But I also think it is a little more complicated than that, as it is likely that as her pregnancy progresses she has this inner drive to protect her unborn child.
Without getting too weird about all this, in the animal kingdom you represent a grave risk to her baby, as you live in the same "nest" as her but you aren't her babys father. I stress she will not have formally thought about this and I know there is no risk you would actually harm a child, but unbeknown to her, her maternal instincts have warned her that she must make sure that you need to see yourself as subordinate to the stud who represents the sperm who fertilised her egg. This is because she has no option but to rely on you to nuture and protect the child when it is born.

By encouraging you to feel subordinate to the "father" of the baby, she is reducing the likelyhood that you will feel a need to take action if there is competition on your own children you have already had by her. If you feel subordinate and so can't take any action when your own children are threatened, then her instincts have achieved what is required because there is less risk you will harm the baby in an effort to protect your own children. (By way of an animal example, the reverse of this occurs in lion prides. When a new alpha male lion takes over a lion pride, thats why he kills the existing cubs.)

I know you said that there were several possible fathers, but is there any chance this same stud could be the actual father? If there is a chance, that would make it even more likely her instincts would drive her to arrange him to dom you.

So I don't know but I think he';s on to something. It's actually two guys, the ones that are fucking her most often lately but lately they have been fucking me and being very dominant, even made me go with her and get some sexy lingerie, women's high heels and stuff. I can't complain though because the sex is very intense and I'm loving it. My lil boi-pussy is pretty beat up and I have a raw throat from all the deepthroating, but I'm just so glad it started happening. I needed it and I may be a bit embarrassed, but more just glad I gave in to it and whitebois, if it even sounds appealing at all I say go get fucked by a black guy, once you go black...!
Sounds to me like she is making certain that you won't be a threat to anything.

So what is happening most nights?
Are her two studs using you and her together; are the two of them using you in front of her, or are they taking you aside and using you by yourself?
Well if she's being used I am lube boy, but then they use me in front of her or me when she's not here. The crazy part is since it started I'm getting fucked more often than she is, but not by that much.
A few more thought:

Most Popular Slut
I find it fascinating that they are currently using you as thei sex toy at least as much as her. The two studs over riding interest is white females, so for this to be happening I sense she is encouraging them somehow. Does she verbally encourage them by humiliating you when she is present? You should also try and find out if she has any other ways to keep them interested in you when you aren't with them.

Babys Father
Do these two favourite studs know your wife is pregnant and that they are both likely candidates as the actual father?

Black Owned Tattoo
Given the school yard fight that occured when you chatted about a tattoo in the "black owned" topic, I thought it was safer to ask this here.

Does your sexy loving wife already have a tattoo, or permnent marking of some sort, to indicate her interest in and obiedence to black cock?
Yes she has a tat but we won't go into detail here. I got a temporary tat now, got a bunch online, works for me. Yes she totally encourages them, tells them to go over and take care of me when she knows I am home alone and stuff, and if they are all together she always suggests they "put my bitch hubby in his place", is the way she says it lately...

BTW, she's made it very clear it's just a game as I have with her. Yes maybe I do qualify as Bi now but I am sure it will run its course, and she says before too terrible long she will miss making love to me so it's not my whole sex life, but it's been hot and fun so far.
Bi, straight, who cares!! Don't let anyone impose any sort of label that may upset you.
Have she and her studs been enjoying seeing your temperary tattoos?

(And just as well I don't believe in conspiracies, as if my orignal theory was correct that she is trying to protect her unborn baby, her promising that this won't last forever and is only a game, could be seen as part of her getting you to accept being dommed by these studs....)

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