before the internet


Well-Known Member
before the internet white bois like myself had to go to peep booths to see interracial movies--i jerked off every week to these three----old but classic
It gives me chills to think back to pre internet times, the line at the video store was always long and the interacial videos were always popular and out.
What a trip down memory lane!
I especially remember the second one with Johnnie Keys.

Thanks Daverp,
willsrvu said:
What a trip down memory lane!
I especially remember the second one with Johnnie Keys.

Thanks Daverp,
will has a whole video section entitled "Classic Interracial" with 744 clips in it!

A very bad movie, but I like the intro song and Jack Baker's little rap right after it (first 3:35)

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Summer Rose (God she knew how to kiss on a black)
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Rachel Ryan (a.k.a. Penny Morgan) (one damn good butt fuck)
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Lili Marlene (couldn't keep niggers out of her asshoe)
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Buffy Davis (big, soft, round, phat, whooty . . . loved black cum on her face)
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Tanya Fox (had a round, white ass nice enough to make a black sperm at the mere sight of it)
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Dayam thats some hot stuff! I bet my white dad used to beat his tiny meat to these back in the day!!!

Johnny Keyes
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King Paul
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Ray Victory
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Field Marshal (F.M.) Bradley
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Billy Dee
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Jack Baker
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I remember as a youngster seeing one of my dads adult films, if I recall correctly it was called Thunderbuns. I believe a young Joey Silvera was in it. there was a scene with two white girls and a black guy. One of the white girls was tied to the bed, and she was told to ask for the whip. I think this was my 1st ever exposure to interracial porn. Does anybody have a link to the scene in question?
ThickNiggaDick said:

Summer Rose (God she knew how to kiss on a black)
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I just recalled that these two clips come from the same video, but with two of the funniest scenes in the whole movie edited out. At the start where Summer is laying by the pool, she's having a dream where about 4 or 5 naked black guys are standing around her with their chocolate dongs flopping around while jingle bells play in the background ;D It's after that point (you see it in the clip) where she wakes up talking about seeing "all those dangling dicks" in a strange dream.

Later on in the movie she goes to see a doctor about her "jungle fever". The doctor (who you see in the second clip) asks her a series of questions to make his diagnosis, including whether or not she likes chocolate pudding, and if she gets wet between her legs on Martin Luther King, Jr. day ;D Summer answers in the affirmative, then they go into the sex scene that you see in the clip. There is no cure for her jungle fever . . . only therapeutic treatments!

Now, I saw this video when I was rather young, and it influenced my sex life afterwards . . . indeed for what I know will be the rest of my life. It helped to deepen and solidify my desire to have sexual relations with white women, and it even has an impact to this very day on what I like to do during sex. You see, there's one scene in the movie (I think it's this one but could be another) where Jack Baker is gettin' a blow job from Summer, and he tells her to "lick the pee hole". Well, she does it without hesitation, and Jack subsequently plasters Summer's pretty white face with a greasy load of black spunk.

How did that influence me? Well now when I'm gettin' some skull, if the white girl isn't already doing it (my sexual partners are always white or latina), then I will often say to the white girl, "Lick that pee hole!" That comes directly from what I saw in this movie moons and moons ago . . . and by the way not a single white girl cocksucker has refused to lick and suck on my black pee hole when told to do so. Not nary a one. I haven't had as much luck gettin' my ass licked though hahaha ;D That's just one of those things where either the white girl is down with it or not and does it without being asked/told. So, I usually don't ask for that and just let the white chick lick my black ass at her leisure. Surprise me :)

I will routinely command that my black nuts be serviced though. I find that American girls don't do that nearly as much (or as well) as girls from other countries will do it (without being asked either). I didn't even know that I liked gettin' my nuts sucked until I started having sex with latinas and they would be just a suckin' away at "mis huevos" (my nuts) left and right . . . and then I found out that Polish girls like to suck black nuts just as much as the latinas do . . . weird :eek: Anyhoo, with this you can see how something you experienced when you were young can shape you for the rest of your life. These days when I'm gettin' my dick sucked by a white girl, I tell the white bitch to lick that pee hole cuz that's what I saw Jack Baker do damn it :mad: ;) 8)
WHERE IN THE WORLD IS HHUUUUUUHHHHHH F. M. BRADLEY (with that knotty ass hair on his chest ;D)??

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As you can see, the black was puttin' in work . . . and this isn't all . . . where's the listings for "UBangis From Uranus" and "White Trash, Black Splash"??
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The Field Marshal was the one to learn a 'lil young black (that would be me) about a white girl's sssSOFT wwwWHITE asshole (he was talkin' bout Summer Rose's butt hole):
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I think the internet had an analogous effect on me. As soon as I was old enough to get on the computer, porn was all over the place. I grew up thinking that the libido was not something to be suppressed, but to be satisfied. And of course sex in porn usually takes a certain course, men taking control, women being used, and that influenced me as well. And, eventually, I discovered interracial ... ;D
Meredith said:
I think the internet had an analogous effect on me. As soon as I was old enough to get on the computer, porn was all over the place. I grew up thinking that the libido was not something to be suppressed, but to be satisfied. And of course sex in porn usually takes a certain course, men taking control, women being used, and that influenced me as well. And, eventually, I discovered interracial ... ;D

Porn is so much more accessible now than it was back in the day. Before, you had to go to the "dirty bookstore" or to "adult theaters" to see hardcore porn (or maybe you ordered it through snail mail). Rarely ever did you see any "respectable ladies" doing that. Now, you can sit right in the comfort of your own home and get it (the world is flat), which makes it easy for the ladies to participate without the fear of "public shame". Horny men were expected to be the ones going to the dirty bookstore, not horny but still "upstanding ladies".

I came up during a transition . . . the paradigm was shifting from analog to digital . . . and interracial had already moved into mainstream porn. It may sound funny, but I really don't even watch that much porn anymore. Not compared to how I used to! What I see, I basically see here. I'd much rather be doing it than watching it. But, I essentially learned the mechanics of how to have good sex by watching "instructional" porno films. And, I'd always been attracted to the white girls, but seein' all those black guys having all that sex with all those pretty white girls . . . fuckin' um in the ass . . . made me want to do that too. And then all this unbelievable amateur interracial stuff started to come out! The rest is history :)
Meredith said:
I think the internet had an analogous effect on me. As soon as I was old enough to get on the computer, porn was all over the place.

If I had kids, I would definitely monitor their computer usage and limit how much time they could spend on the computer at home. My parents wouldn't let us kids have TV's in our rooms. I wouldn't let the kids have computers in theirs. I know that as parents you're being naive if you think you can stop all access to porn by your kids. If they really want to see it, they will find a way. But, that's not really the point. You just want to make it clear what you're going to allow your kids to do in your house and what you're not going to permit. No unfettered access to pornography in this house.

I know they would think I would be acting like a jerk to monitor them and that I didn't "trust" them with the computer, to be looking over their shoulders all the time or telling them to get off of the computer, but I wouldn't care. As they get older, you could (and should) start to loosen the reigns some, but I just wouldn't want any son of mine growing up to be addicted to fuckin' pretty white girls up the yin yang the way his daddy is (or sexually addicted to whatever it is that might turn him on). I also wouldn't want my daughter growing up to be a hoe.

As one of my professors pointed out to me one time at a social event (I had some wack professors man), "It's gotta be somebody's daughter!" Granted, so how about Clifford's daughter down the street then? Or maybe Mr. Charlie's? I think they would make for some good hoes . . . they both sucked my black dick :)
I see your point, but to be fair, my parents grew up without the internet, and they had no idea. By the time they really seemed to have a clue about it, I was heading off to college, and there was no putting the genie back in the bottle.
Meredith said:
I see your point, but to be fair, my parents grew up without the internet, and they had no idea. By the time they really seemed to have a clue about it, I was heading off to college, and there was no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Oh, what I said wasn't meant to be a reflection on your (or anybody's) parents. Your parents are most likely the same way mine are. Absolutely no clue whatsoever. None at all in the 21st century! My mom doesn't even really know how to use a computer let alone the internet. All she knows about the internet is identity theft, which keeps her away from it LOL! But you and me . . . we both have more than just a clue . . . no kid of ours would be able to get over on us when it comes to this because we know what the deal is ;) Did I just say . . . "kid of ours"?? Hahaha :D

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