I've always wondered about this.
My guys always tell me they prefer us white women because we appear to be tighter and more submissive.
It's been explained to me by the fact that it's down to centuries old genetics, the reason being that because of the adverse conditions in Africa, all Black men produce thicker and larger cum loads to protect the sperm and these larger shots contain more potent sperm for a better chance of survival in the heat, which seems to explain why these Men appear to be super potent and can get us white girls pregnant by just looking at us

The larger penis ensures a deeper delivery and larger muscles causing the actual ejaculation are stronger in a Black Male to really force the sperm deep inside the womb I was told - no argument on that one . . . . you can really feel that stuff blast inside you.
In saying that, I guess it must mean that Black women have perhaps genetically larger vaginas to easily accommadate a Black Man's extreme size, which is of course bad news for any average sized white boi who fancies his chances in satisfying a lady of colour.
They are probably quite freaky in bed as well, as most Black guys are very demanding and dominant.
Now I don't know if all of this is true, but more than one guy has told me this and when you think about it for a moment, you don't really see that many Black women chasing white guys to get laid, whereas us white girls are fighting over prime Black Men.
It's got to be a brave white boi that would even consider aiming to satisfy a Black woman, presuming that she didn't dismiss him at once.
From a purely physical point of view, a larger Black Cock in a tighter white vagina will give all concerned increased pleasure, while a smaller white stub inside a volumous Black pussy can only result in frustration I suppose?
Seems to be a lot of teories behind this, most of them concentrate around the fact that if a woman has multiple partners, then the Black load will have a better chance of fertilization due to stronger swimmers delivered deeper and with greater force.
Here's someting a friend of mine sent me some time ago:
The men in Scandinavia have on average a smaller penis than people from Africa.
We assume for the sake of argument that penis length is genetically determined although no scientific studies have identified the genetic regulators of penis length.
Why would there be a size difference?
Scandinavian women do appreciate the longer penis.
The theory that there has been sexual selection towards a smaller penis in Scandinavian countries therefore becomes implausible.
Evolution often works in strange ways.
The penis is a well vascularized organ, in this way it differs to a degree from other primate penises.
It's not only well vascularized, the blood flow to the penis can also be regulated.
This can only mean one thing - the penis is a heat exchanger!
A comparable organ is the ear of the African elephant.
It is well vascularized and has a large surface area - it is used to dissipate heat.
The male penis is not only used for reproductive means, it is also a heat exchanger in the hot climate of Africa where humans emerged.
A dual function of organs is not uncommon in the animal kingdom - the ears of the elephant are still used to hear.
When humans moved to Europe they finally ended up in cold Scandinavia.
A large penis was evolutionary detrimental to survival - it dissipated too much heat.
In the white race, it shrank to reduce the surface area.
Now all of the above may be just supposition and myth but it does sort of make sense why Black men prefer white women and we all know why we make ourselves available to Men of colour.
And if it takes a Black Man to really satisfy a Black women if only for the pure physical size involved, then it all comes into focus.
That's probably why
we are always smiling and
they are always bitching about the shortage of Black Men to go around, LOLZ!
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