tonyafox said:
Let me get this straight (pardon the pun).
Guys love to see me and another girl make out in front of them, that makes them hot and I'm certainly no lesbian.
Two guys fool about, which is superhot in some circumstances, and that makes them sissy and gay?
I think you should just do whatever and whoever you feel like.
There's certainly enough Black talent to go around
I don't think the complaint is about the sex perse, but the attitude, the mannerisms, the way in which a dude carries himself. For example, vera described a big black guy to whom she would typically be attracted, but alas, and unfortunately, he is queer. Now if he buttfucked 3 guys last weekend, then stepped out to the club, carried himself like a macho dude, or at least masculine, picked up vera, and fucked the ever living shit out of her, then I'm guessing vera would have no problem with it. The "queerness" wouldn't be a factor. I'm just speculating and guessing, but my guess is that the "queer" complaint isn't just the male on male sex, but the overall masculinity of the guy. The typical man stuff, as dudes typically carry themselves. Macho, ego, confidence, masculinity, whatever you want to call it, some dudes have had male on male sex and still have it, while some shine queer through and through.
I guess, tonya, it would be like how guys typically find 2 women hooking up to be hot. Yet if the women, after hooking up, turned manly, in terms of mannerisms, clothing style, hair cut style, etc. then the women would no longer be a turn on. It wouldn't be the actual female on female sex that created the turn-off, it would be the overall presentation of the person. Typcially when guys see 2 women hooking up and think its hot, those women are womanly, feminine and in order for the guys to continue to find them hot, they must remain womanly, or feminine. So likewise, if 2 guys that vera finds hot hook up, yet remain masculine, and attracted to females, then vera would probably still find the guys hot. But if they were feminine, and not attracted to women, then of course, vera would not be turned on by them. Again, this is what I picked
up from vera's comments, and I could be wrong.
Also, with man-man sex, there is a trend for one to be top and the other to be bottom. I think vera's complaint is about black dude's being the bottom. This top bottom mentality does not present itself in the male fantasy of watching two women have hot lipstick lesbian sex with each other. While it may be the reality that many lesbian relationships indeed have top and bottom, this is not the case in the typical male fantasy. When we hoot and holler over two chicks kissing, tonguing each other down in the club, and proceed to make our own mastubatory fantasies from such scenes, they typically do not include one of the night club chicks being a top or a bottom, in our fantasies, they get it on with each other, each giving and taking equally. I think vera's complaint is with black dudes taking, not necessarily pounding some ass.