You're right Zagg, very few black men choose to help raise thier children. This, for me then, begs the issue of politics. There seems to be a big push this political season to elect conservatives with the hope of putting an end to, or at least minimizing, social programs. As black lovers and advocates of black superiority, we should weigh carefully what it is this political advocacy wishes to accomplish.... If welfare is drastically cut. And if WIC is cut. And subsidized housing, food stamps, heat assistance, and such are cut, then in fact we will weaken the incentive for young white girls to have black babies. There is NO WAY they are going to party with the niggers and get pregnant when the spector of feeding, clothing, and housing the black children falls to them and the necessity of finding gainful employment. What has kept this experiment in social engineering powered and running over the years are the social programs set-aside for unwed mothers... take that away, and chances are you take away the trend toward interracial breeding.