I swear this is a totally true account. My route to this lifestyle was a weird one. My ex-fiance and I were attending a party six months before we were to marry. She met a black guy at the party, who was drunkenly boasting to her about his cock size and basically saying that black guys with big cocks can get all the white pussy they want. I chalked his comments up to drunken babbling and ignored him and my ex told me she thought the guy was a complete asshole. I didn't think anything else of it until later in the evening. Most of the people had left this party and it was almost time for us to leave as well. I hadn't seen my ex for about 20 minutes or so. I went looking for her so we could leave, only to find her catching a load on her knees from this guy. I couldn't believe it, she was full on sucking his cock. I called off our marriage immediately, even though she begged me to forgive her. She also had the guts to blame me for not standing up to this guy when he was being so rude to her in the first place!! I couldn't fuckin' believe she was actually blaming me for sucking his cock. I couldn't understand it, I was very screwed up and hurt by this. Then over the next few months I kind of started thinking about the whole thing and little by little got into really liking IR porn. I realized that it wasn't the guy's fault my ex-fiance decided to suck his cock. Now I date a woman who is really into the IR scene as well. It's pretty exciting. I also must admit that I have jerked off thinking about seeing my ex sucking this guy's cock. My shrink tells me that is a sign I'm coming to terms with it. I also remember being terrified that the guy would punch me out for interupting him as he blew a load into my fiance's mouth. I know it sounds fucked up but I was truly scared and intimidated by this guy. I felt that I was no match for him in terms of aggressiveness, as I'm pretty layed back. Am I the only one who feels this way? Please let me know your thoughts, I'm still trying to work through the emotions of this. My shrink tells me that I am experiencing feelings of inferiority and possibly guilt due to past racism against black people, even though I myself am not racist. She says it's normal for white people to feel inferior to confident black men for this reason. I would love to chat with someone who has similar thoughts on this or other theories.