How do you become a really good bottome?


Well-Known Member
I am delving into bisexuality. Giving head is no problem (although I wan to max out my skills, so help there is appreciated also. But I want to be able to bottom out for HUNG blacks. Any link to a site would be appreciated, or if you want to explain things out that would be great. My biggest problem is I feel like I REALLY need to poop during sex, even if I do several enemas a few hours beforehand and eat light the day before (I've done the bi thing before, but I am not a pro.) It feels like I am cumming or something during this, which feels amazing, but I obviously don't want to go #2 on my stud.

Learning how to deep throat w/o wanting to vomit, losing my gag reflex, is something I want to do too...
practice, practice, practice..thats all i could tell you man. and as for that feeling of going number 2 during sex, well thats your prostate being massaged..embrace it, you know you prepared well so dont worry about embarrassing yourself..and its not so much about eating light as it is about eating foods HIGH in fiber. you can eat a little but if you eat fast food or foods high on fat then it will make going to the bathroom a little more difficult especially if your trying to cleanse...heres my routine, every time i know im gonna get some black dick i plan ahead..i eat alot of fruits and stay hydrated the day before. about 3 hours in advance i start my enema phase..i dont buy the douche packet u see at drug stores, i just use good ole fashion warm water and some about three, anymore than that then u start to lose the natural lubrication your butt makes. so i do three in about 10 or 15 minute intervals, an hour before its time i sit down and try to force myself to crap..if nothing comes out then im good, just to make sure i always lube my dildo up and ride it for a good 10 minutes..if its clean then youre good to go man
totally loads of practice buy a dildo you'll grow to love it.
I suggest one with a suction cup so you can use it in the shower.
Also invest in a douche. You can buy one that is either really inexpensive but still does the trick or really fancy ones that attach like a shower head and allow you to control the flow of water coming through your shower.
This removes any second guessing beyond the already helpful advice.

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