Interracial bill of rights (for BLACK BULL, white woman and also white man)


India Summer Fanatic
Interracial Bill Of Rights

As they apply to the SUPERIOR Black bull.

1. You are superior to white women and especially to white men.

2. You have a GOD GIVEN ABSOLUTE RIGHT to fuck white sluts. White
women were made primarily for the purpose of being the sexual slaves of the black man.
For their service to you reward them with the sexual satisfaction that ONLY
black men can provide them. You are to educate those white people,
male and female, who have yet to understand life's correct order,
making it clear to the white husband that his rights are secondary to
those of the superior black male.

3. No white person has ANY right to request that you use a condom. As a black man you should ONLY use a condom if YOU choose to and ideally should never do so. If sexually transmitted disease is an issue a
physician should be consulted instead of condom use. White fuck sluts are your natural cum dumps and you should always be free to ejaculate freely inside any white sluts holes .

4. You have the ABSOLUTE GOD GIVEN RIGHT to fuck ANY white man's wife and to do so before him, without his permission or approval. Consent should be given by the woman, but if the husband takes issue with you
having sex with his wife, then it is well within your rights to fuck her behind his back. Be cautious though that any man can become jealous and enraged and be dangerous so handle your clandestine affairs with married white women with extreme caution.

5. Your cock is the ultimate object of worship for the white woman.You should always give any attractive white woman the pleasure of your cock if it is possible and practical and if you desire her. Keep in mind, that ALL white women desire black penis even though some do not admit it even to themselves. You truly ARE GOD'S GIFT TO THE WHITE WOMAN! Use this power wisely. The proper order of using your black cock is to give it to the most beautiful and physically attractive white women first, married or single. Blond, attractive white wives should be given the ultimate priority. Next, the average looking white women should be considered. All other white women come last, as they have the least chance of bearing attractive black children.

6. Sex with white sluts is primarily for YOUR satisfaction. You
should ALWAYS have a spurting orgasm and their pleasure is completely irrelevant, BUT you ought to make every effort to please them if possible because they are deserving of a reward for pleasing you sexually.

7. It is your RIGHT to fuck white women up the ass at will, however you must have consent to do so, but her denial is no reason not to press the issue. Ideally she should respect your rightful ownership of all her holes and submit them to you at your discretion. A white woman who refuses to take your penis up her ass is not the ideal woman, and while it is still desirable to fuck her, every effort should be made to convince her of the rightness of her submitting to anal sex with Black men.

8. Any and ALL white sluts should suck your dick at your request, Be patient with them though and be prepared to instruct them on how to properly suck your dick to your
satisfaction. Not all white sluts will be prepared to properly suck a
Black man's penis correctly, especially if it is excessively large. It
is their duty to learn to deep throat your penis and they should be
able to do it to some extent, but be tolerant and patient with them if
they cannot. It is an ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT that they swallow your cum
and or allow you to cum on them in any fashion YOU choose.

9. Remember, your sexual satisfaction is the priority. Your pleasure and desires
are always top priority.

Section B.

(As they apply to ALL white SLUTS )

1. Black men have the ABSOLUTE and inalienable right to have sex with you, any time, any where, and as often as they desire. You have the right as a human being to decline, but it is your natural duty to sexually satisfy the black man in any way possible. It is your duty to perfect the art of fellatio, and practice vaginal muscle control to please a black man's penis. It should be your PRIMARY purpose in life to sexually serve the superior Black man. You will be rewarded for your full and complete compliance in life's RIGHTFUL order.

2. White men are always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS second in life's order to black men. If you happen to be in love with a white man it is still your duty to always put the sexual needs of black men first. If you marry a white man it is especially important that you make yourself sexually available to black men. You may have sex with white men, but should do so only after the black man has gone first. If it is possible, you should avoid sex with white men alltogether, instead opting to masturbate them in whatever way you can, so their seed will fall upon the ground.

3. It is a Black man's god given right to have intercourse with white women bareback, whenever and where ever he desires. Black men should NEVER wear a condom during sex with a white woman . When protection from STDs is an issue it is always preferable
to consult a physician to using condoms. Black men should always ejaculate inside of you, and if they do not their semen is not to be wasted but should be consumed orally. Black semen is to be considered an absolute treasure, the seed of life, and it should be your primary objective in life to partake and consume as much as is physically
possible. You should treasure every drop and make sure none is wasted.

4. It is your god given DUTY to orally copulate ANY Black male who requests it at any time and any place if it is at all possible. It is also an ABSOLUTE MUST that you make every effort to swallow the ejaculate, unless he specifies that he would like to ejaculate on your body, in which case you should still lick up as much of his precious
cum as you can. Oral sex is very low risk for STDs and should be practiced on black men as often as is possible. NEVER turn a black man away, as this is the ultimate sin for a white woman. Serve black men and serve them well, and you will be treated with desire, which should be your ultimate objective in life. Black men, on the other hand, are not bound to respect white women. They are here to use you for their pleasure, and you are on this earth to serve them completely and endlessly, without moral or religious reservations.

5. If it is at all possible, no form of contraception should ever be used for sex with black men. It is a white woman's natural duty to conceive and bear black children as often as is possible.

6.White sluts should always understand their place beneath the Black man and to understand their god given duty to sexually serve the black men. Both white daughters
and wives must be properly instructed in the art of pleasing black men,when such a time is deemed to be appropriate. Your daughters should be thoroughly discouraged from sexual activity with white men at all costs. ( Your children must ultimately make their own choices and should be allowed to, but the importance of sexual service to the black male can not be under emphasized.)

7. You SHOULD learn to submit to anal sex with a large black penis. If done properly this is a VERY enjoyable activity for both the Black man and the white woman. Ideally a Black penis should be allowed entry to any orifice of your body at any time the Black man desires. Again I must stress that condom use is ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE! It is a white woman's greatest gift to a black man to submit to an anal fucking and a great compliment to the white woman when a Black man ejaculates inside her anus. It has been said that once a white woman submits herself anally to the black man, she has experienced the ultimate physical deed of her life.

8. As a human being you deserve respect, but being desirable to black men is your purpose in life. You should never suffer abuse at the hands of any man or woman, even a superior Black man. You, as a white woman, were born with the primary purpose in life to be the sexual object of the black man, and should submit to his sexual desires at all times, but this does not include any activity that is abusive or hurtful to you. The superior Black man will never mistreat the white woman except in the advancement of her sexual education and the endless sexual, physical, and emotional submissions that are required of her.

9. As a white woman, the ONLY path to TOTAL and COMPLETE sexual satisfaction is to serve the needs of the superior Black male. Black Females must be respected as well and are also above you in the grand scheme of things and this should never be forgotten

10. When dressing or selecting clothing the Black man's arousal is of PARAMOUNT importance! Not all women have the figure for it, but if it is at all possible you MUST wear the sexiest clothing that is possible for the situation. You ideally should keep your legs and pussy completely and cleanly shaven and should always smell good for the benefit of the Black man. ALWAYS wear high heeled shoes and bared or stocking clad legs when you can, and skirts are always preferable. Braless and or nipples prominently displayed is advisable and strongly encouraged. Body language should ALWAYS indicate your sexual availability to ALL Black men. Panties should be avoided whenever possible and it is advisable for you to flash your tits and pussy to black men whenever you can, even when with your white husband in public or private, indicating your willingness, your desires and sexual availability.

11. Pornography, if you should choose to view it should ONLY depict Black males and white females having sex. White males having sex with white females on film is disgusting and should be avoided at all costs.

12. The Black man's cock is a thing to be WORSHIPED by the white woman . Treat it with the upmost care and respect, and it will serve you very well. The proper position of worship for a white woman is on her knees, naked, caressing the black penis with her white hands, stimulating the Black man so he will want and need more and more sex.

These are the ways in which you can be the ideal white fuck whore. Knowing your place is key, and keeping these basic rules memorized or available to you at all times is advisable.

The Interracial Bill Of Rights. (As they apply to the white man)

This is the TRUTH about your place in this world as a white man.
Regardless about all the BULLSHIT they teach you about all men being created equally, you must learn and obey these rules if you want to be an ideal white man who knows and respects his propper place in life.

1. Black men have an absolute and inalienable right to fuck white women. This means your wife, daughter, secret lust..... ANY and ALL
white women. The white woman is a human being and has the right of choice but should be taught early that it is her god given duty to
excite, serve, and satisfy black men sexually above all other things.
You should teach your wife, and or daughters that they are first and foremost the physical sexual objects of the black man,
and have a duty to perform any and all sexual acts a black man requests of them whenever and where ever they are indicated. There
are no exceptions to this rule, and their morals and religious views should be adjusted through education so they have no guilt when they submit to a black man's needs. White women were put on this earth to serve black men, completely and endlessly, and this needs to be understood without exception.

2. A black man's seed is NEVER to be wasted. If a black man cums it should be inside of a white vagina, anus or mouth, and the semen should remain there or be swallowed as is the case. If any spills it should be licked up and if the black man decides to cum on any part of a white person's anatomy the semen should ultimately be eaten by the white person.

4. As a white man, when you marry a white woman it is your god given duty to work to educate her and make her available to black men so she can serve their sexual needs. Black men ALWAYS have priority sexually and are ALWAYS the alpha male. You should discourage your wife from sex with white men, including yourself. If you have sex at all with your wife it should be limited to masturbation, unless SHE insists otherwise, and then sex should be ONLY with the full permission of her black lover(s), and ONLY after they have had her first. As you are still a man with male desires it is understandable that it maybe difficult to comply with this rule if there is any way around it,but a diligent effort must be made. If it is possible the white man should ideally learn to derive his sexual satisfaction solley from watching black men indulge their white wives, girlfriends or daughters

5. ALL human beings deserve respect and while white men must accept that they are inferior to black men they should not be expected to allow themselves to be actually abused by anyone.(You should try to put up a good fight)

6. Pornography depicting acts of sex and love between black men and white women are the proper fare for masturbation for the white man. Pornography depicting white men fucking white women is ugly, perverse, profane and should NEVER be possessed or viewed by white men or women. Such material should be destroyed!

7. The black penis is to be worshiped above all things. It is the most revered object of humankind and should be treated as such. It is the very image of perfection. Dildos and likenesses of penises should always be black, and represent the black male's superior genitalia.

8. Most important to the white man is that you have NO sexual rights whatsoever except when granted by a black male and secondarily by a white female. (You should always keep your filthy little white penis hidden from view unless requested to do otherwise by a black man or white woman. )In an ideal world your only real purposes in life are to support the Black lovers of your white wives, girl friends and
daughters, serve as a "bitchboy" to your white wives, girlfriends black lovers when it amuses them to do so, and produce white daughters for the black man's pleasure.
Sometimes I can hardly believe I wrote that stuff! I am certainly not quite that hardcore but wrote it on a fantasy level and some of it I do agree with. Where did you find it? I lost track of it years ago, kind of funny to read again, thanks for sharing!
That was one of the smartest posts I have read in a long time.
Someone should post this in the files section and then make it compulsory reading for all.
It just about sums up the lifestyle in an intelligent and sexy way.
I particularly admire the insistance that despite being submissive doesn't mean you have to do absolutely everything, I for one do not like anal sex although I must admit I know I'll have to lose my cherry sometime this year as all my girlfriends are raving about it.

I have printed the document out and I think I will frame it on the bedroom wall ;D
femmeworshipper said:
Sometimes I can hardly believe I wrote that stuff! I am certainly not quite that hardcore but wrote it on a fantasy level and some of it I do agree with. Where did you find it? I lost track of it years ago, kind of funny to read again, thanks for sharing!

Well, you certainly put a lot of thought into it. A fantastic piece of work! It should stand encased in secure glass next to the Declaration of Independence.
tonyafox said:
I particularly admire the insistence that despite being submissive doesn't mean you have to do absolutely everything, I for one do not like anal sex although I must admit I know I'll have to lose my cherry sometime this year as all my girlfriends are raving about it.

Tonya, I'm glad that you realize that if you're going to serve the black man, then one day you will have to surrender your Scandinavian girl butt hole to a black.

It doesn't have to hurt you. If the black knows what he is doing, you will come to love black men in your white girl asshole. I am an expert white girl cornholer . . . wish I could be there for you . . . to be the black to take your backdoor cherry.

It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it, and I'm just the black for it. I was born to bugger the white girls!
femmeworshipper said:
Sometimes I can hardly believe I wrote that stuff! I am certainly not quite that hardcore but wrote it on a fantasy level and some of it I do agree with. Where did you find it? I lost track of it years ago, kind of funny to read again, thanks for sharing!

I remembered the title and searched on it with google. Here is the link:

Its actually a dead yahoo group I think...

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