So on the old board we had a discussion about how to get woman interrested in BBC, and interracial swinging. Good to have the site back online!
In the time the website went down, I started a new website, one that is more female friendly and ideal to get your wife interrsted in BBC.
Find it here:
I hope you all give me some feedback and maybe join the forum too.
Added new functionality to the site.
Mingle, a nice user system that lets you interact with eachother like you do on twitter!
check it out:
If you are already a member you don't need to sign up.
In the time the website went down, I started a new website, one that is more female friendly and ideal to get your wife interrsted in BBC.
Find it here:
I hope you all give me some feedback and maybe join the forum too.
Added new functionality to the site.
Mingle, a nice user system that lets you interact with eachother like you do on twitter!
check it out:
If you are already a member you don't need to sign up.