Sexual Revolution on College Campuses



I wanna explain some of my experiences and what I think is going on with IR sex today. First let me say that I'm a good looking athletic white guy and if you met me you wouldn't know I was into this. And I used to avoid and dislike IR porn or seeing white girls with black guys. Two things changed my mind, the first is IR porn. This is pretty straightforward and I'm sure you've heard this story before on this site. A couple of videos and pictures changed my mind. I found that I came basically without touching myself when watching a fit hung black stud fuck the shit out of hot white girls. So I tried to avoid it but came back to it and now that's all I watch.

Another thing that changed my mind is what I've noticed going on in my school and at other college campuses. Basically more and more of the hottest white girls are hooking up with the top black guys. It's important to understand that what people think on some of these sites is a bit cartoonish and far-fetched it's definitely not true that all black men are doing well or that white girls like all black men. But the top 20-30% of black men are getting more and more of the hot girls now and basically pushing their competition (the top white guys) out of the way. As far as I can see the rate of this is accelerating and the situation very soon will be staggering, basically all the hot white girls will either be regularly hooking up with the top black guys (athletes mainly but others too) or will at least have done so a few times. Later in life they will marry white guys but the consensus is coming for girls to be that hot sex = black guys.

The reason this is accelerating is because as it becomes a fashion statement, more and more of the hottest girls will want in on it. Also the more it will happen the more the confidence of white guys will diminish, driving even more of the top girls to flock to the black alphas.

There are many reasons for this change but among the top is the total domination of college sports and of sports in general by superior black stud specimens. The display of black physical superiority is so common and in-your-face now that it has a serious effect both on white girls and on white boys. White girls get wet and want the guys. White boys become intimidated as shit and move out of the way. Sports Illustrated had a report about how white guys are showing "cracks in their self confidence," and admitted that black guys are the superior athletes. The consensus even now in football is that a white guy just flat out can't physically compete. The problem is once you admit that, you admit that they're the superior fuckers and there's no way you can balance that out with money, smarts, being nice, etc., girls will just want to get with that. Basically blacks have totally taken over the physical sphere in America. In athletics, in 50-cent type aggressive hip hop that all white young people now listen to, black men display dominance, muscular bodies, badass attitudes, and rhythm. It's a domination on every level that matters when it comes to sex and it was only a matter of time before white girls started to notice and go for them. The last part of the puzzle was white guys getting in the way. But the masculinity of American white guys has been basically shattered in recent years and it was the black stud that did the shattering not just because of the things I said so far but also by being so goddamn intimidating and dangerous.

It's not good to overstate the case actually when you do that it's easy to dismiss it, most white girls will NOT marry black guys, most white guys will still get married and also get sex. BUT what is happening now will continue to happen faster and faster which is that white guys have definitely been dethroned from the masculinity top position and that alpha black guys will get to fuck the vast majority of the hottest white girls, at least during their 20's when they're the hottest. Especially on college campuses there's a sexual revolution underway, basically sex = sex with a black stud. And one more extreme thing that will be accepted is that most white guys will have to learn to deal with a lot more cheating by white girls.

this semester my gf has hooked up twice with a black football player from our school, no i didn't get to watch, and if this had been a while ago i'd be angry but i was totally into IR by now and can say 100% this was the hottest thing for me
I totally agree with this. Definitely agree that it will basically be known to everyone that if a woman wants the best sex possible, it will have to be with black guys. And you hit the nail on the head about the "fashion statement" part. More and more women are going to wonder why SO MANY white girls are dating black guys. White guys like to joke sometimes and make jokes about "big black dick" and stuff like that, but they do it in front of white girls and it only stirs her curiosity even more. I also agree that more white guys will have to learn to deal with cheating. It is what it is....if the women want the best sex, they hook up with black men. And not only are more and more white girls are going black, some women are "black-only". That has to be the biggest slap in the face to the white guys who don't know the truth.

I'd like to add that one of the biggest changes I see ahead are that a large percentage of white women are at least sampling BBC during high school, college, etc. I think this will lead to more cheating white wives in the future. Some may get lucky and marry a white guy that knows the truth. Others will just have to get it on the side. But, I do think that she will get it any way she can.
It's not just young white women. I know of two white women in their 50s (both very classy) who have divorced husbands and taken up with black men. It's funny how embittered the husbands are.
That's good news. With middle-aged and older women, it wasn't socially possible to take up with black men in their youth. It's good to know that they're not going to be completely cheated of the joys of black loving. And the white boys react in the typical way.

uselesswimp said:
It's not just young white women. I know of two white women in their 50s (both very classy) who have divorced husbands and taken up with black men. It's funny how embittered the husbands are.
collegewhiteboi said:
this semester my gf has hooked up twice with a black football player from our school, no i didn't get to watch, and if this had been a while ago i'd be angry but i was totally into IR by now and can say 100% this was the hottest thing for me

so she told you? or did u just keep it quiet and what did u say/do?
That should be good for you. You'll get some respect from the other cucks.
The other trick black guys have pulled off is managing to persuade white girls it's ok for them to fuck around. How they pull that off ?
legs19cd2008 said:
collegewhiteboi said:
this semester my gf has hooked up twice with a black football player from our school, no i didn't get to watch, and if this had been a while ago i'd be angry but i was totally into IR by now and can say 100% this was the hottest thing for me

so she told you? or did u just keep it quiet and what did u say/do?

She did tell me yes, but it's not like she teased me about it she tried more to apologize for it. For my side I didn't encourage her because let's face it that would be totally weird but I was very easy on her and "forgave" her very fast. She hooked up with him a second time a few weeks later, and then apologized to me again haha. I don't let on that I really like it but I don't complain either.
I wnder how the media is going to treat this when it really explodes? I mean it's all over TV and music right now but I mean it's accelerating so fast that the vast majority of white guys will just be pushed out of sexual life at least during their 20's all the hot girls and especially at schools are going to be almost exclusively black. That's not something the media or anyone will be able to ignore. The white American male is basically becoming demasculinized.
collegewhiteboi said:
I wnder how the media is going to treat this when it really explodes? I mean it's all over TV and music right now but I mean it's accelerating so fast that the vast majority of white guys will just be pushed out of sexual life at least during their 20's all the hot girls and especially at schools are going to be almost exclusively black. That's not something the media or anyone will be able to ignore. The white American male is basically becoming demasculinized.

So far, it seems the reaction is one borne out of fear — white men are trying to grab at what little power they have left, so they vilify and demonize any black man who dares to "forget his place."

Look what they did to Tiger Woods. Succeed as a black athlete and grin for the cameras and you're the saint of your sport. Fuck a bunch of white women and you're a monster.
collegewhiteboi said:
I wnder how the media is going to treat this when it really explodes? I mean it's all over TV and music right now but I mean it's accelerating so fast that the vast majority of white guys will just be pushed out of sexual life at least during their 20's all the hot girls and especially at schools are going to be almost exclusively black. That's not something the media or anyone will be able to ignore. The white American male is basically becoming demasculinized.

Your point is well taken. Methinks this is why the white/gay community has grown so large, so fast. The species is turning in on itself. Certain gays emerge as the alphas tops and certain gays become the fem bottoms. People are pron to hang where they are appreciated and loved (gay community) as opposed to hanging where they are marginalized and ridiculed (straight America) Straight America has become an interracial celebrations primarily between white women and black men.... Though there are still some stray's from the white male community hanging about, they are irrelevant for the most part and simply tolerated.

The one thing I will caution however is this: A black couple, no matter how skilled at fucking, can never concieve a beautiful white female baby; and an interracial couple, no matter how skilled at fucking, can never produce the blonde haired, blue eyed beuaty that niggers demand. Only white male cum can make the nordic beauties a reality... So, let's be careful of what it is that we often advocate in here, i.e., the total obsurity and irrelevancey of white males...Simply put, We need them.... I need them. I am bi and love the white female just as much as my black fuck buddies do. Methinks it might be time to bow down and worship white cock too.... only white cock churns-out the butter needed to concieve the likes of a Scarlett Johanson. Hunks like Shaq or Kobe, though they are beautiful powerful niggers, will, in the end, without white DNA, never father a Lindsay Lohan... but will, without white help, instead father the next Whoppie Goldberg.
uselesswimp said:
The other trick black guys have pulled off is managing to persuade white girls it's ok for them to fuck around. How they pull that off ?

Heh! Heh! Finally someone's stumbled onto that in here.

The truth is, a lot of white women want the best in life, and sex is one thing they're almost always jealous about. Hardly a white woman wants to be like someone who can't tear her pussy up. They need a man who'd bring out that nasty side in their lives. The married ones are typically afraid of trying... That's where I come in. I make it easy for them, telling them its what their hubbies want too, except the men are afraid to admit to it.
Well said Vera. we white bois still need to produce baby girls for Black Men. The Black Man is still number one for me.

vera said:
collegewhiteboi said:
I wnder how the media is going to treat this when it really explodes? I mean it's all over TV and music right now but I mean it's accelerating so fast that the vast majority of white guys will just be pushed out of sexual life at least during their 20's all the hot girls and especially at schools are going to be almost exclusively black. That's not something the media or anyone will be able to ignore. The white American male is basically becoming demasculinized.

Your point is well taken. Methinks this is why the white/gay community has grown so large, so fast. The species is turning in on itself. Certain gays emerge as the alphas tops and certain gays become the fem bottoms. People are pron to hang where they are appreciated and loved (gay community) as opposed to hanging where they are marginalized and ridiculed (straight America) Straight America has become an interracial celebrations primarily between white women and black men.... Though there are still some stray's from the white male community hanging about, they are irrelevant for the most part and simply tolerated.

The one thing I will caution however is this: A black couple, no matter how skilled at fucking, can never concieve a beautiful white female baby; and an interracial couple, no matter how skilled at fucking, can never produce the blonde haired, blue eyed beuaty that niggers demand. Only white male cum can make the nordic beauties a reality... So, let's be careful of what it is that we often advocate in here, i.e., the total obsurity and irrelevancey of white males...Simply put, We need them.... I need them. I am bi and love the white female just as much as my black fuck buddies do. Methinks it might be time to bow down and worship white cock too.... only white cock churns-out the butter needed to concieve the likes of a Scarlett Johanson. Hunks like Shaq or Kobe, though they are beautiful powerful niggers, will, in the end, without white DNA, never father a Lindsay Lohan... but will, without white help, instead father the next Whoppie Goldberg.
vera your an ignorant cracker and a sick are one of them white supremacist at heart but your obsessed with a black dick.saying white women are prettier than black women is where the whiteman went wrong.thats why niggas are banging the hell out of white women now.a black couple can produce a white baby.THEY ARE CALLED ALBINOS.i could go on, maybe later.but a white couple cannot produce a black baby.Beyonce,Gabrielle Union,Lisa Raye,and i can go on and on are beautiful women who happen to BE BLACK.i like all types of women but i dont disrespect them.the only person i will disrespect is the whiteman but hey its niggerworship.BTW,there is information out that says the blond hair blue eye gene is going to disappear soon.the white population on this entire planet is also getting smaller and smaller and there is nothing that can be done to reverse the trend.PLEASE SEEK SOME HELP.I JUST WANNA TALK ABOUT WHITE WOMEN.
Soulpole..... Albiono's.... give me a break!!!! LOL. If you fucked every black albino in the world you'd still be on the list of one living a life of near celebacy. black albinos are on the endangered species list......LOL And your attempt to name hot black chicks is pathetic.... Beyonce, Lisa Raye, and a few others.... What I am talking about are the shopping malls, and grocery markets, and hardware stores, and doctor's offices, or office buildings, or highway traffic, or airports, and on and on, just full of hot white women. You name four beautiful black chicks yet your eyes permit you to encounter four billion beautiful white chicks every where you look. Only white men can father white chicks you dummy..... Sure you want to fuck them, but my point is,you can't concieve/create them..... you need white cum..... you are at the mercy of white males and white females. Left to your own devices, among your own kind, you create Tracy Chapman.
uselesswimp said:
The other trick black guys have pulled off is managing to persuade white girls it's ok for them to fuck around. How they pull that off ?

Good question.
I have to agree with this. There is a revolution and it isn't in favor of white boys. I know many college girls and they regularly fuck around with black guys. These are the same girls that white boys spend their whole lives lusting for.
I don't know that black guys have to persuade white women. It seems to me that it's their natural masculine dominance asserting itself. Women understand a real man's need for sexual variety and submit to it just as naturally.

uselesswimp said:
The other trick black guys have pulled off is managing to persuade white girls it's ok for them to fuck around. How they pull that off ?
soulpole said:
vera your an ignorant cracker and a sick are one of them white supremacist at heart but your obsessed with a black dick.saying white women are prettier than black women is where the whiteman went wrong.thats why niggas are banging the hell out of white women now.a black couple can produce a white baby.THEY ARE CALLED ALBINOS.i could go on, maybe later.but a white couple cannot produce a black baby.Beyonce,Gabrielle Union,Lisa Raye,and i can go on and on are beautiful women who happen to BE BLACK.i like all types of women but i dont disrespect them.the only person i will disrespect is the whiteman but hey its niggerworship.BTW,there is information out that says the blond hair blue eye gene is going to disappear soon.the white population on this entire planet is also getting smaller and smaller and there is nothing that can be done to reverse the trend.PLEASE SEEK SOME HELP.I JUST WANNA TALK ABOUT WHITE WOMEN.

Yo my black I don't know . . . I mean, I think Vera has a valid point here. I mean, I don't care how good a black buck black and a fine ass white girl are fuckin', they ain't NEVER gonna produce precious little white girls that grow up to be this right here dawg . . . not NEVER . . . . this here is what a black neeeeeeeeeeeeed:,r:24,s:0

Like my boy Kat Williams said when he was rankin' on that black Michael Jackson, if you stick a black dick in some white pussy, ain't no blue-eyed, blonde haired babies comin' out! LOL! (absolutely HILARIOUS . . . ya GOTTA watch . . . especially at the 2:00 minute mark)

So now, we gonna NEED some white boys (some very lucky white boys) to keep breedin' with attractive white women who, in turn, birth 'lil white baby girls to be raised up right and turned over to grown niggas for "handling". Oh, and most of the 'lil white boys born would end up doin' 'lil cucky thangs . . . ya know . . . like they daddy . . . a 'lil "cuck off the old block" if you will :D! And then like I say, we need a few very lucky white boys who get put out to stud with white women.

I don't know about you and other niggas, but I don't want to see the white race die out. Cuz when that happens, that spells the END of niggas gettin' to buttfuck this . . . and my black . . . this here black NEEDS to buttfuck white girls lookin' like THIS:

I'm ThickNiggaDick . . . and I tells it EXACTLY the way I sees it . . . no holds barred!

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