OK check this first one out. Now beware!!! THere is extensive use of an angry redneck singing the blues about what will eventually happen to all self-respecting white women out there lol
Now this next one is the video that Shania Twain would Love to perform at the CMA's next year
I also LOVE the MOST OF ALL sexy white wives and girlfriends doing things like this behind hubbies back. I think it is sexier when the woman is getting away with everything and hubby never knows but she at least makes a video about it so she can break it to him one day.
Now thats all I could find today but lets get some serious ones going cause you boys are getting me addicted to this stuff. Maybe some kind of story line or trickery, chastity f...d nudity, plantaion scene, and of course a recent favorite wedding disasters hehe. But be creative cause I am gonna be busy with my black dildo for a few hehe. Make Dommom proud c ya soon
Now this next one is the video that Shania Twain would Love to perform at the CMA's next year
I also LOVE the MOST OF ALL sexy white wives and girlfriends doing things like this behind hubbies back. I think it is sexier when the woman is getting away with everything and hubby never knows but she at least makes a video about it so she can break it to him one day.
Now thats all I could find today but lets get some serious ones going cause you boys are getting me addicted to this stuff. Maybe some kind of story line or trickery, chastity f...d nudity, plantaion scene, and of course a recent favorite wedding disasters hehe. But be creative cause I am gonna be busy with my black dildo for a few hehe. Make Dommom proud c ya soon