Well-Known Member
Only difference for me would be that I'd run to my study to jerk off at the thought of my daughter was getting black dick
but I'm a dirty minded pervert, probably the only prev at this site...........Yeah Right!
Only difference for me would be that I'd run to my study to jerk off at the thought of my daughter was getting black dick
Heidi - Dad, there's something I've been meaning to tell you . . . I met a boy . . . in my Poli Sci class. Well, he's really nice and sweet and funny . . . he sits next to me in class. I was out sick one day and asked him if I could borrow his notes to see what I missed that day. His name is Antwan . . . and . . . well . . . he's black. We started talking and . . . and . . . and he asked me out and I said yes. Antwan and me . . . we've been inseparable ever since!
Mr. Charlie - Honey, you know that your mother and I raised you to be a strong, independent and intelligent young woman. That's why you were able to get into such a good school like Northwestern. We only want the best and the right things for you. Do you understand me? Now, I'm going to trust that you know what you're doing. Just don't you go and do anything stupid . . . do you . . . understand . . . what I mean?
Heidi - Yeah dad . . . I understand (Heidi bear hugs dad). OH DADDY I MISS ANTWAN SO MUCH!!! He's supposed to be calling me here in Pocatello from Detroit this afternoon. That's where he's from. Motown I guess they call it. I just can't wait to hear his voice!
Mr. Charlie - Princess I think you better let me break this one to your mother first when she gets back from the flea market. Spending more of MY money on her so-called "antiques". I'm not quite sure how she's gonna take it all. Let me bring her around to it. I'll talk to her when she gets home, and I'll see you later this evening at dinner. My little Princess deserves a good home-cooked meal!
Heidi - Oh thank you daddy! I love you so much dad (big bear hug for dad again)!
So, Mr. Charlie retires to his study, closes the door, whips that little white boy "tee tee" out and starts a jackin' and a jumpin' up and down and a wavin' his one free arm around in the air like a little kid at Six Flags Over America:
Mr. Charlie - My daughter's fuckin' a niiiigaaaa, my daughter's ffffFFFUCKIN' a niiiigaaaaa naaaaa nana naaaa naaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
A Heidi - an extremely attractive, blue-eyed, blonde aryan girl.
Mr. Charlie - Heidi's daddy (a.k.a. The White Man) . . . I like to bugger ALL of Mr. Charlie's daughters!
Ms. Daisy - Mr. Charlie's future ex-wife and one stubborn, set in her ways, old-fashioned, bitch of a hussy!
A Shenaynay - a LOUD, pushy, obnoxious, unattractive (and often fat) black woman.
A Nate - Oh, that's just ya everyday roun' the way black. LOL!
A Yanely - a fine as fuck Latina babe! That is, unless she's from Brazil. Then in that case, she's a Fatima.