Mixed Families


I am a married Chinese woman who enjoys black men
Coventry UK
Although most of the fantasies on here talk about white couples having all black children, for those of us who are interested in making this sort of thing happen in real life the more realistic goal is a mixed family, in which the white couple have at least one child together, followed by one or more black children fathered by the wife's lovers. I think this sort of family is more stable than one where the children are all black, as the white husband has more reason to stay, and the family will probably attract less hostility from other whites. I am interested in hearing about the dynamics of such families- how the white kids and black kids get along etc. I know a few people in this sort of situation, and my husband and I are considering it for ourselves, so anyone who has done this or knows people well who have done it I would love to hear from you.
i don't have any experience, but i think it's important for a white couple to try to produce some white daughters to insure a supply for their future black masters :)
I think your idea might work, beside by having 1 white child other white people won't look at this suspiciously; the wife can breed few black children and the husband can play the role of the cuckold much more comfortably. Good luck if you ever consider this lifestyle and keep us updated.
My wife has a friend with 2 white children and her friend is 6 months pregnant with another child by a black lover. It is being done but not sure how many couple like this there are.
Today my family and I were at our local park/playground. There was a black man there with three kids, two mixed race who called him daddy, ages appeared to be about 1 and 3, and older blonde-haired girl who looked around 7. The kids referred to her as sister, but she obviously was not fathered by the black man who was in charge of all three of them. We spoke briefly to the father, who was trying to chat up the blonde haired student who lives with us (he mentioned his youngest son "likes blondes"), but I did not have the courage to ask about this group. Its possible he is with the mom who has divorced the father of the oldest child, but I suspect the mother is still married to the father of the blonde but has just chosen to have this man father her most recent kids.

You see things like this fairly often in my town. What you essentially never see is a woman with older black kids and younger whites kids- when there is a mixed family like this it is always the white kids who are oldest.
midsgirl4black said:
Today my family and I were at our local park/playground. There was a black man there with three kids, two mixed race who called him daddy, ages appeared to be about 1 and 3, and older blonde-haired girl who looked around 7. The kids referred to her as sister, but she obviously was not fathered by the black man who was in charge of all three of them. We spoke briefly to the father, who was trying to chat up the blonde haired student who lives with us (he mentioned his youngest son "likes blondes"), but I did not have the courage to ask about this group. Its possible he is with the mom who has divorced the father of the oldest child, but I suspect the mother is still married to the father of the blonde but has just chosen to have this man father her most recent kids.

You see things like this fairly often in my town. What you essentially never see is a woman with older black kids and younger whites kids- when there is a mixed family like this it is always the white kids who are oldest.
The reason is simple, when the white wives find out about black cocks they stay with black, they'll never go back to their white husbands again; this explain why the youngest children are allways black . In a way it's like they are making a statement to the world which says" Had I known about black cocks before I would have been blacked from the very beggining!".
Curious Joe's explanation is undoubtedly the main reason why mixed families always have older white kids and younger black kids, but there is a second reason as well. I have talked to a number of white girls who are quite strategic about their plans. They want to have black children but also want to be able to support them. So they marry a white man and have one child by him before doing what they really want and having black babies. They believe that once their white husband has a child with them they will not divorce them for fear of losing access to their child.
midsgirl4black said:
Curious Joe's explanation is undoubtedly the main reason why mixed families always have older white kids and younger black kids, but there is a second reason as well. I have talked to a number of white girls who are quite strategic about their plans. They want to have black children but also want to be able to support them. So they marry a white man and have one child by him before doing what they really want and having black babies. They believe that once their white husband has a child with them they will not divorce them for fear of losing access to their child.

There is often truth in both statements but not always ... my daughter's black husband can support her and a family. I think it is more that white wives often find out after marrying white but the younger generation figures it out much earlier and decides to wither live with a black man, marry a black man or cuck a white man ... but eventually wants a mixed baby with the superior black man.
melancholio said:
i don't have any experience, but i think it's important for a white couple to try to produce some white daughters to insure a supply for their future black masters :)

So, we should be artificially inseminated to produce a white daughter or two and then nothing but big, black cocks from then on?
sorority_blonde said:
melancholio said:
i don't have any experience, but i think it's important for a white couple to try to produce some white daughters to insure a supply for their future black masters :)

So, we should be artificially inseminated to produce a white daughter or two and then nothing but big, black cocks from then on?

Great idea
Certainly artificial insemination is one way to go about it, and for many women maybe the only way since they find fucking a white man so distasteful. But I am suggesting that if you want to be strategic about it you get a white man to fall in love with you and fuck him enough to make that happen and have a child with him so he will support you and your black children later on.
midsgirl4black said:
Certainly artificial insemination is one way to go about it, and for many women maybe the only way since they find fucking a white man so distasteful. But I am suggesting that if you want to be strategic about it you get a white man to fall in love with you and fuck him enough to make that happen and have a child with him so he will support you and your black children later on.

I agree 100% my plan exactly!
bethh213 said:
I agree 100% my plan exactly!

What, a black man can't support you and the kids? Or, is it more of a continued humiliation thing where the woman gets off on making a white man provide support for black kids? I've met a couple like that. The hot white wife said she would make her husband support our baby financially . . . as I nutted in her . . . bareback with no birth control for her. And no, she didn't get preggers.
Wouldn't the babies than be mixed and not black (thus the blackness that is desired would be diluted)? Also the different children in these types of relationships would be largely in three groups:
Black Men
FOAR's (Females Of Any Race)
NBM's (Non-Black Males)

How would each of these different groups be raised in accordance with all of your beliefs in race and gender?
I have nothing against women who want to marry a black man, have his kids and be supported by him. But many women, myself included, think that while white men are not attractive sexually, many of them have characteristics that make for good partners in raising children. The fact that white men are generally less masculine than black men in many ways makes them good for the day to day raising of children, and the fact that due to previous racism white men are generally better off economically is also important. Black men provide superior genes for our babies, but the resulting babies could then be well raised by white fathers and mothers, with involvement by the black baby daddies and by the wife's other black lovers. For me it is not a matter of humiliating the husband- I am not really into that. But there is a lot of sense in the "marry white but breed black" movement. In addition to what I said before, there are not enough black men for all white and asian women to have black husbands, and most of us will have to marry white (and asian) men just because of the numbers. But there are more than enough black men to provide the sperm for making the best babies.
midsgirl4black said:
I have nothing against women who want to marry a black man, have his kids and be supported by him. But many women, myself included, think that while white men are not attractive sexually, many of them have characteristics that make for good partners in raising children. The fact that white men are generally less masculine than black men in many ways makes them good for the day to day raising of children, and the fact that due to previous racism white men are generally better off economically is also important. Black men provide superior genes for our babies, but the resulting babies could then be well raised by white fathers and mothers, with involvement by the black baby daddies and by the wife's other black lovers. For me it is not a matter of humiliating the husband- I am not really into that. But there is a lot of sense in the "marry white but breed black" movement. In addition to what I said before, there are not enough black men for all white and asian women to have black husbands, and most of us will have to marry white (and asian) men just because of the numbers. But there are more than enough black men to provide the sperm for making the best babies.

I'm afraid some of what you said makes no sense at all. Being masculine . . . a "man" . . . and having good characteristics/traits for raising children is not mutually exclusive. In fact, I would argue the opposite of what you said in that regard. You need a "real woman" AND a "real man" in your children's lives to give them the best all around upbringing.

Also, if it was my kids, I would find it 100% unacceptable to have somebody's "other black lovers" involved in the raising of my children! Totally unacceptable. When I was younger, and dumber, and full of cum, I did some reckless, stupid things when it comes to sex. But, where my babies are concerned, I would not allow myself to be treated as nothing more than a sperm donor, and my children's raising left to strangers.

No white man is a better candidate for raising children than I am just because he's white. I find that proposition to be offensive. And yes, white men tend to do better economically because of past racism and limited opportunities for others. But thank the good Lord I've done well despite all of that. I have a superlative education that allowed me to become a member of the upper middle class. I can support a wife and the mother of my children, and help raise those kids the right way in a loving environment. And I would too.
I did not mean to offend you, and I am sorry if I did. I am sure you would be a fine husband and father. If you don't want to father any children you do not personally raise that is of course your right. Not all black men object to that though-- I have met quite a few who tell me they would love to get me pregnant and let me and my husband raise the baby, and that is also their right. Some of them may be young dumb and full of cum, but not all. At least some of us who are not attracted to white men sexually think they still make good fathers. I did not mean to suggest that white men make better fathers, only that they make perfectly good ones, even if they are not good as lovers and their sperm does not make babies as good as sperm from black men. And there are definitely some black men who make great lovers and would be good baby daddies but not good house fathers- some of my black lovers would be the first to say that about themselves. Being a great lover and being a good father are not mutually exclusive, but neither do they always go together.

Also many of us are already in relationships with white men when we discover black men, and we still love them in a non-sexual way and don't necessarily want to get a divorce even if we are exclusively black when it comes to sex. If your white husband is a good provider and makes a good house father, and there is a black man who is happy to give you both a black baby to raise, I don't see the objection. Of course if you don't want to give that gift to a couple that is fine too; I would not approve of a woman intentionally getting pregnant by her black lover over his objection. But fortunately there are a lot of black men who are happy to father children for couples who want black kids but don't want to divorce.

As I said at the beginning, I am all for women marrying black men and having their babies. But the rest of us also deserve to have black kids if we want them and there are men happy to breed us.
midsgirl4black said:
If you don't want to father any children you do not personally raise that is of course your right. Not all black men object to that though-- I have met quite a few who tell me they would love to get me pregnant and let me and my husband raise the baby, and that is also their right.

I just think that too many people (black, white, brown, red, yellow, everybody) are having too many babies outside of wedlock and/or a committed relationship with the other parent. And that's not in the best interest of children. And it's not in the best interests of society.

The kind of thing that you're talking about is mostly for fantasy. The norm with trifling men who "don't object" to "somebody else" raising their kids is struggling single mothers and poverty. It's not good for the kids, and it's a drag on society when people exercise their "rights" in this much more typical fashion.

Now, maybe you can create the kind of situation you're talking about between you and your husband and a black lover. More power to you. But be careful what you ask for! Because you see, the odds are greatly stacked against you. What sounds great in theory can, and quite often does, become a nightmare in reality. You can find yourself in a world of hurt of legal troubles and a lot more, including emotional damage for all of the parties involved, including the kids.

If non-black people in an existing relationship want black kids, then they should either adopt or go to a sperm bank. Leave the "breed me" stuff to fantasy. You know, there would be more black/non-black couplings if people didn't hold onto all of the same old stereo-types and prejudices. "Oh, I've GOT to marry a white/Asian guy because he will be a better husband/father emotionally and can support me and the kids better financially." This kind of thinking doesn't even give good black men a chance!

It's the 21st century. We've come a long way baby. There are plenty of black men who are articulate, educated, committed to family, and with good jobs who can provide. So, you single women of all races out there who are interested in relationships with black men that might involve children, get off of this "need to marry a white/Asian guy for support" BS. You marry who you love, and have children with him, whatever his color! How's YOUR wife and MY kids?? Leave that nonsense where it belongs. In funny movies and to fantasy!

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