What Scares You about Black Men?


Well-Known Member
I could have asked the opposite question about what is it about Black men that you love, but I want to hear first whatever negativity about Black men in general that you're often prone to hear that scares you about them, or what makes you submissive to them so easily. I'm putting this question out to the white couples, hubbies and lone hot wives in here.
That is a good question that should also be posed to many of us white parents, especially us white dads with daughters who are sexually active with one or more black bulls.

tomascini said:
I could have asked the opposite question about what is it about Black men that you love, but I want to hear first whatever negativity about Black men in general that you're often prone to hear that scares you about them, or what makes you submissive to them so easily. I'm putting this question out to the white couples, hubbies and lone hot wives in here.
not sure if scared is the way I'd put it but I'm pretty in awe of just their incredible confidence. So different to our wimpish attitudes
They're physically intimidating, always alpha. I'm afraid, when I see a bunch of black males, that.they might choose to "punk" me out in some sort of way. And of course there is that stereotype that we perpetuate on here of the enormous penis. If I think a guy is packing then I'm intimidated by them, therefore black guys intimidate me.
tomascini said:
... but I want to hear first whatever negativity about Black men in general that you're often prone to hear that scares you about them, or what makes you submissive to them so easily. ...

OK, I'll take a chance and assume that's a twofold question even though it's missing the "and", so:

regarding the first, I don't fear Black men any more than any other. I think it's more a regional, localized bias sort of thing. You can go into areas that are virtually all white, all Asian, all Hispanic or whatever and hear the same sort of stuff. Black thugs this, Asian gang-bangers that, Cholos another and Skinheads or bikers whatever. All are to be cautious of NOT so much because any individual is all that, but put a few together and get that "I gotta be the baddest dog in my pack" mentality going and you're going to have shit. Been there, done that, don't need no more tee-shirts, thank you very much.

For the most part, the real down to earth people are the same no matter where they are or what their color. Just need to be careful of the "fringe".

If you're referring to the "Black is bigger" or Black is better" hype, sorry, but it's my experience that it is just that: hype. While statistically there is a slightly higher incidence of larger endowment among Blacks than other races, it isn't that much and I've seen pretty much the same size with white guys. Truth be told, most dicks I've seen in real life have been pretty much average regardless of color. Longest was Black, but it was a bit thin. Smallest was white, both length and girth. The few Asians were average length, but a bit thin. The largest overall was a Native American who had both length and girth working for him. All in all though, if you toss out those extremes, they've be pretty much about the same size wise.
Myself, I weigh in at 7 x 5.5, not huge, not small, just the right size to enable most women to let me enjoy ALL they have to offer as long as I spend a bit of time prepping them for anal. Most need me to go easy even up front at first and there haven't been many I haven't been able to "bottom out" in. Best thing for me is that I can usually find at least one hole that I can fit in all the way, unlike most of the "horse hung" guys you see in the porn videos that are bottomed out with 3 or 4 more inches to go outside.

About the second, I was turned on to sex as a VERY young boy by an older Black lad who enticed me into sucking his cock after first showing my friend (his younger brother) and I how to "feel real good" by teaching us to masturbate. His self confidence and authoritative manner struck the submissive chords in my being.
If I hadn't had that predisposition, I doubt that I would have the desire to submit to Blacks today. Had he been white or Asian or whatever, I probably would have directed my submissive desires there instead.

As it happened, he was Black, I enjoyed submitting to his desires and became cocksucker to he and his brother, as he instructed his brother that sucking dick was white boys work, which was OK with me because it gave me another Black cock to suck. I found that I really enjoyed sucking cock and preferred Black dick above all others. The only thing is I didn't care for kissing, hugging or doing any of the "romantic" stuff with guys. Not even anal sex, just wanted to suck their dicks.

I also developed strong attraction to Black women and women in general. That's where I get my romantic fix. That and I love eating pussy too! :p

So, I feel whatever we do or feel is basically already inside us, but reacts to the stimulus that we are exposed to. Once exposed to whatever that stimulus is, that becomes our fixation. Whatever fears we have, we will assign to what we experience as well.

In my case i think my black friends are more wary of hubby, he is shaved head chunky/strong build and a bit of a handful when he wants to be but still lets me have my fun, and even better my hubby and my sex buddy are respectful to each other x
I grew up being afraid of Black Men because of Their ability to injure and intimidate me. I am still scared of Black Men, but it is now different. Now, I love being in the presence of several tough Black Men, and if They want to hurt me or intimidate me, then that is just my role as a white boy. I also love it when Black Men know that I am watching and They put Their hands all over a white girl, feeling her up in front of me. Black Men are Alpha Males, so when I am around Them, I just assume my role as an inferior beta male who is subordinate to a Black Man. This means that Alpha Black Men have taken my masculinity and my dignity, and They have done it within the full view of all females.
Another question I'd like to as is this: How come there's a lot of racist whites out there who wouldn't dare feel happy about any of their family member dating a black person ... yet secretly, they're as much moved by interracial porn as the next man?
This is an excellent question. I think the answer is that white boys are insecure, paranoid, and totally intimidated by Black Men. When a Black Man dates a white boy’s sister or daughter, he must confront this insecurity in a very personal way and it’s very uncomfortable for him. Deep down the white boy knows he is inferior to Black Men, but he can go home and hide and pretend that the world is different. But when the white boy sees the sexually content look on the face of his daughter, sister (or wife), there is no where he can hide and no way to pretend it’s not true. When the white boy sees his daughter, or sister (or wife) wearing skimpy outfits so she can be sexually enticing to a Black Man, and when he sees a Black Man’s hand on her ass he knows a Black Man has taken possession of her and she loves it. This constant up-close and personal observation leaves the white boy no where to hide, and he must finally assume his role as a beta male who is subordinate to any Alpha Black Man.
I'd like to meet some of you in person, and if possibly, bring some of you down to Africa, to know how well you'd feel in the home of black men.
tomascini said:
Another question I'd like to as is this: How come there's a lot of racist whites out there who wouldn't dare feel happy about any of their family member dating a black person ... yet secretly, they're as much moved by interracial porn as the next man?

Because we're taught that its wrong and that it doesn't look right and then that just makes us more secretly curious about it.
I prefer meeting the ones who're open-minded about it and don't have to hide behind a wall acting like hypocrites.
My biggest concern with black men is this: As they progress in society, become the money lenders, the community support, the makers-and-shakers, our protectors, in essence, the "Man", will they, like the white men before them, become soft, feminine, girlish, and weak. A review of all past empires, movements, or epochs, shows the same course.... success and plenty leads to laziness and softness. I would hate to think that one day it will be black men who become the "cunts" of society and some other group, perhaps Arabs, or Asians, will rise to be the Real Men.
tomascini said:
I prefer meeting the ones who're open-minded about it and don't have to hide behind a wall acting like hypocrites.

Look who’s calling the kettle black, is that you in your avatar?
"what makes you submissive to them so easily". . . .

Where shall I start?
Apart from the obvious physical attributes, for me it's got to be the confidence.
Note I said confidence and not arrogance!
Black Men get straight to the point, they know what they want and how to get it (which they usually do).
They tell you exactly what you will be doing, no bullshit chat up lines, no time wasting like white bois :D
When I hook up with Black Men I know exactly what I'm expected to do and what I am going to get.
They expect a submissive white girl and I get a real good Black workout - it's a win/win for everyone!
tonyafox said:
"what makes you submissive to them so easily". . . .

Where shall I start?
Apart from the obvious physical attributes, for me it's got to be the confidence.
Note I said confidence and not arrogance!
Black Men get straight to the point, they know what they want and how to get it (which they usually do).

I'm with you, darling.

I once had a black hit on me in a bar...the very first thing he ever said to me was " you going to swallow it or spit it"

I said "whatever you make me do".......2 mins later his cock was down my throat in the parking lot

Niggers....gotta love em
. . . . " you going to swallow it or spit it"

LOL! You must have misheard, my dear!
He probably said "you'll swallow it then I'm going to split you" :-*
But your answer is of course correct either way.
as a beta man, i am not scared of Black Men. i am in awe of them. i want to serve them in my own way just as white women serve in their way.

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