Why has interest in interracial and BBC exploded so much recently? Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
West Virginia
I always knew IR was popular but now I see it literally everywhere. On a ton of regular porn sites I almost see more white women having sex with black men more than with white men even in your "regular" porn. It justs seems like IR has taken over every category of porn in a very short time.
Yeah these past maybe 10yrs. It's really taken off. Can't speak as to why it's as popular as it is. Just that I like it, I love it and I want more of it. LOL
I think its coming out more now because people are finding more and more avenues to express themselves on sites like these and finding that theyre not alone in their desires making it easier to say them and act out on them without feeling like an outcast.
It almost sounds like you're complaining about it.. lol Hell I don't think theres anywhere near enough. All need to be exposed to it.
all this talk and more about Black men fucking white girls is growing at an extremely rapid rate. the thing is..is that it seems true. i mean us white bois do not think like the Black men do. mostly we are more reserved and try to figure out the "right" thing to say or are concerned what she might think if we did...something or something else. to top this off, evidence is clear.. i mean how many Black men would allow another man to fuck his gf or wife..and enjoy it? how many Black men would be weak and kneel before another man and suck his cock? how many Black men like to wear girls panties and act femme? how many Black men would want and desire for another man to fuck his gf or wife... and look at porn wishing it would happen? i may be wrong but i think it clearly shows that us white bois, a lot of us faggots...are eager to at least want to have our wives or gf in a situation where a Black man/men are using our white wives or gfs to please themselves. and we enjoy that immensely..don't we?
Just as there's a growing sub-culture population of white men and women who love being around black men, this is something the general public of whites don't enjoy hearing and have always used their power and influence in society and media to try and paint this culture in the most negative of manners. Interracial porn is in high demand, and yet a lot of porn producers tend to keep them on a lower release because they feel their majority of white audiences would feel offended watching too much IR in the market.
black guys are interesting because they have not had their balls cut off by society like white guys. society tells us that straight men are bad and they should be made subservient to women, gays and any other minority group as opposed to equal. this has primarily been directed at white men and much less so to minorities. because of this minority men have been able to more easily keep the more natural aggressive male traits which tended to be more attractive to women of all groups.

essentially the white man has been degraded to such an extent that they are no longer attractive outside their ability to collect resources. if this femanization trend continues then eventually all straight men of any race will be unappealing for breeding. liberals claim to want equality, but all they want is to replace one ruling group with another. the last time minorities were allowed to rule the majority, we had the Rwandan genocide. on the other hand though, conservatives want things to go back to when the ruling class was all rich white guys and people were the slaves of their various corporations...

so much of equality, yep our species is fucked.
Vegasblkm4wf@aol.com said:
I think its coming out more now because people are finding more and more avenues to express themselves on sites like these and finding that theyre not alone in their desires making it easier to say them and act out on them without feeling like an outcast.
I think your right Vegasblkm4wf. With the internet you can watch whatever type of porn you want and no one will know. Years ago if you wanted interracial porn you would have to go to a store and rent or buy it, and most of the time you had to ask for it at the counter. Let me tell you, being a white man in the 80s & 90s it wasn't easy to go to a crowded video store and ask for "Black Moon Risin" or "Let me tell ya bout white chicks" or "white men can't Hump". Even if you asked for an interracial video that didn't have an obvious title ,the cover still usually showed a a white woman hanging on a Black Stud. What self respecting white man (at least back then) would want to see a Big Dicked Black Man fuck the shit out of our white women? Well, I did ,but I always worried that someone I knew would see me with Interracial Porn. I'm sure there were a lot of white men that would have been to humiliated to go to the video store and rent any video that had a Black Man Fuckin white women in, it no matter how much he wanted to. It was pretty embarrassing for me to, but once I got home and put the video in, it was always well worth the humiliation. Actually, I think eventually the humiliation part of me being a white man in public asking for a movie with a Big Dick Black Man fucking white women became part of the turn on. I think that is when I realized how powerful interracial porn is and especially how Sexually Powerful and Dynamic Black Men are. But now days all you have to do is get on the internet and go to "Niggerworship.com or any of the other thousands of interracial sites to get you fix and no one knows. Plus, it is obvious by all the interracial sites out there that you aren't an outcast. The way it is going it looks like we may be becoming the majority. Interracial porn rules!!! Honestly Vegasblkm4wf, The Black Man and his Big Black Cock has a lot to do with its popularity to. The things you guys can do with your Big Dicks is amazing. The things you do to white women is Fucking incredible. Black Men a Sexual Athletes and you take sex to a whole other level
jasonkramer has it right. It is the almost f...d cuntification; and also willing cuntification of white men that has led to a greater interest in real men, i.e. black men. The old Jerry McGuire line... "follow the money" seems appropo here... White male capitalists are still a very very powerful force in the world, but they are taking their money, influence, and families elsewhere (Brazil, China, India, and on). They are abandoning America for the most part and leaving it in the hands of blacks, gay boys, and illegals.... This is a win-win for white women.... White women have little interest in the illegals and gay boys have little interest in white women. Thus, white women and niggers are left to party hardy.... I'm all for it.
wonder if it is not exploding, as much as it is becoming easier to share experiences via the internet, etc. maybe it SEEMS more widespread.

If IS is growing.. all the better! The way it should be! We dirty wht slaves need to be used, controlled, exploited anyway our superior blk masters/mistresses see fit!
I’ve been on this site for a while now and always remaining in the background as not to offend anyone but you guys are fucking fags straight up. You guys put down own fucking race and humiliate yourselves to no end. I enjoy interracial sex but in no way shape or form is any black man better than I am, not by a long shot. You all need to figure out who or what the fuck you are because none of are men. You all make me sick.
I think it's because the internet has given women access to porn. While most of us wouldn't go to x-rated movies in the theatre or adult bookstore, I think just about every girl I know looks at porn online.

I've seen some porn from the 80s and early 90s, and it seemed to cater to white male interests. It reflected what white men wanted to see - white men having sex with pretty white women.

When the internet took off, suddenly women were able to view porn easily. We can watch it from the comfort of our homes. And now online porn also reflects what we want to see - white girls having sex with sexy black guys.
sorority_blonde said:
I've seen some porn from the 80s and early 90s, and it seemed to cater to white male interests. It reflected what white men wanted to see - white men having sex with pretty white women. And now online porn also reflects what we want to see - white girls having sex with sexy black guys.
I have to disagree somewhat with this part of what you wrote. First, interracial porn exploded onto the scene beginning in the 80's. If you were a white woman who wanted to see interracial porn then, it was everywhere. There was no internet porn then, but the point is that the "industry" was launched long before the internet became a reality in most every home.

And further, these days plenty of white men want to see a "black" fucking "their" women. In fact, N-word porn wasn't something that was started to cater to black men. It was originally produced by white men to appeal to the prurient interests of whites. The fact that many blacks like it too is a part of the story, but it's another part of the story.

Bottom line is that interracial sex and N-word porn clearly isn't reflective of something that only the women want to see. Many, many, many white men like seeing the white woman "degraded" by the "black". Just read the stuff on this site :) Watch N-word porn?? To hell with that! Ya got white guys who wanna get "cucked out" so they can watch a black nut in their wife or girlfriend . . . LIVE ;)!
The 80s were a bit before my time but as I understand it, there is no comparison between it's popularity then and now.

I've never heard of the "n-word porn" genre before I read your post, but agree that white women are not/or would not be attracted to it. Not to be politically correct, but the n-word is a turn-off for me. I find the title to be one of my least favorite things about this site. Maybe it's a turn-on for white men. Some seem to get a thrill from putting the n-word into every post they make. If it is, I think that might might explain why the white men outnumber the white women on this site by a lot.

Other interracial sites that I've been to seem to have greater female participation.
I think eventually the humiliation part of me being a white man in public asking for a movie with a Big Dick Black Man fucking white women became part of the turn on.

Your not alone, that humiliation has turned me on.
midsgirl4black said:
I agree with Sorority Blonde. I detest the N word. I come here despite the name, not because of it.

Same here.

When my husband and I talked about this recently, I hit upon a truth that I think underlies a lot of this. The race part of it is huge, but I think that a lot of insecure white guys watch porn.

My hubby said, "I know I'm not good enough for you, not as good as blacks are." He's probably said it hundreds of times before, but it just clicked for me. He's insecure. So our lifestyle and porn reinforces those insecurities and shows him a world in which his worst fears are confirmed.
Genetic said:
I think eventually the humiliation part of me being a white man in public asking for a movie with a Big Dick Black Man fucking white women became part of the turn on.

Your not alone, that humiliation has turned me on.

Yes that humiliation is awesome

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