Arthur, i fully agree with you. White guys, especially when they deny their lower status to Superior Black Men, need such treatment, as you said, they need to be broken. Your sister knew it and arranged this useful lesson for you.arthur_caged said:MrT said:u sound like a total loser :-[
I have received several ugly messages criticizing me for being a coward or my sister for putting me through her reign of terror. I will admit that I am a white male coward when confronted by a Black Man. My sister was and still is a beautiful white girl who has always loved Black Men.
It’s probably obvious that what my sister did to me fucked up my head and totally changed my way of life. But from her perspective the entire family was very abusive to her because she fucked Black Men. Remember, this was a very racist family, and I was a racist at that time also, and I joined the others in abusing her. So in the beginning I probably deserved an ass kicking. My sister enjoyed the power of terrorizing me and eventually breaking my spirit, but now I believe a white male’s sprit needs to be broken.
And what happened to me is now happening to all white boys but in a more gradual and less violent sense. We are all accepting our role as subordinate and inferior to Black Men. We are all beginning to kneel to white women who fuck Black Men because these white women receive superior Black Seed.
I had a similar experience, i was beaten up by a Black Man and it was in consequence of this sound thrashing that i fully accepted the superiority of the Black Race and my own inferiority. Unlike you, i was beaten only once and not in public but it was enough for me to realize who i was.