Place and role of white males in future black dominated world

I think this site is still called NIGGERWORSHIP, and brings together people who in addition to enjoying interracial sex believe in black supremacy. So ... can you please...!
For years Pamela, men have admired women for their bodies, but not necessarily their minds. Though this bothers us, we understand the male species enough I think to realize that it will probably never change for the most part. The same sort of thing prevails here. Here, we admire and worship niggers for their sexual prowess but not, it seems, for their deep intellectual acuity. But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
It's interesting vera that you make the point about micro-management and the finite details of ruling the world when in fact the world isn't ruled and to a great degree America{as much of a patriot as I consider myself-often true patriots need be critical of their governments-}wasn't created by a gathering of white men sitting around master minding how they are going to control and create the country from it's induction to the present.
In fact the revolutionary happened because white men put pistols to the heads of other white men and said "fight or I'll kill you".
The barbaric and savage nature of white men CAN NOT go over looked, not in this forum, or anywhere else a wht should sojourn where his/her skin tone isn't the majority or "in power". Fact being most who consider themselves wht have an ethnic identity scorned by those who considered themselves white early on in America's creation, the REAL white people.
America was created actually by Anglo-Saxons for anglo-saxons and by in large there are VERY few of those left, the irish{inside out niggers}, Italians,Hungarian/Checko, Polish and many of the eastern Europeans were considered to be less intelligent than "Niggers". Ever hear about how the irish were hired for little to nothing to put the cotton on boats because the Niggers kept either escaping, taking the boat, or drowning themselves. The joke of the era was that the irish were worth less than a black because you paid the same amount as you would pay for a new car today for a strapping buck black and pennies for the Irish to take your goods onto a boat to be sold, but I digress {wow a fancy word lol }. Dr.Charles Drew, James Peirce Beckworth, Ida B.Wells and a whole host of African Americans{I use that phrase for a reason}, had what it takes to run this country, however, DOCUMENTED and PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGED {by blacks, whts and the US Government}proof of systematic extermination exists. Incidents of lynching blk soldiers during world war two in their uniforms with medals still adorned, denial of equal rights by the North just as much as the South during the Civil War, Right down to Crispus Adducks being left out of the history books as the one who fired the first shot during the Revolutionary War. Drugs pumped into Harlem during the 70's and even today on a wider basis{Niggers aren't brining the drugs into this country whts have too much money to be made from distribution and the legal system to allow that}, the Suffrage of wht woman hood act which was found as a tool wht men were using to disposes blks of property and businesses...look the list goes on and on.
To be brought from another country in chains your culture gone, language and religions forbidden and yet rise through the worst whts could throw at us is proof.
On the same playing fields it's been proven that blacks FAR out perform whts hand down, mentally, physically and emotionally. The same sense of identity, opportunities {without another wht giving a handout to whts}, there is no competition. Btw, the other countries mentioned with people of dark skin they too are in the state they're in because they either trusted whites/wht/ Euro-centric governments or made deals with the white man{I can either note the incidents or books are available without little white lies}.
Speaking of which take a look at the Empire of Andalusia {Moorish= dark skin}, gone now but once made Spain{the superpower during Elizabeth's reign} tremble in it's boots, in fact the war to over take Spain with the assistance of the Nubians was astoundingly short.
As far as ruling the US I think that's small fries comparatively speaking when we look at the number of "M" class planets found yearly, you nor I will see it however there will be a blk planet. While her on Earth both blks and whts will have bigger fish to fry than race...there will be the haves and have nots, the elite and poor, the thinker bees and the worker bees and it's already starting. In fact if you're on this site chances are high that you'll be a worker bee.
I think the only thing that makes people of color stupid or dumb or less intelligent is the blind trust many of us/them put in whts.
Pardon me for answering a message addressed only to Vera, but she and I have been closely connected in this thread and I feel your remarks implicate me as well. In short, your history's okay, but I don't quite see the relevance in the fact there there are class, ethnic, and national differences among the population counted as "white". It's nonetheless true that white guys are politically and economically (especially the latter) in the US, Canada, all of Europe, and Australasia. Conversely, there are deep divides in other races, too, witness the murderous civil wars in Africa, and the history of violence in East Asia (Japanese occupation of Manchuria, for example, not to mention Japanese atrocities all over Asia during the War). Your alleged facts about black superiority, in fields unspecified, have little if any empirical foundation. Africans are generally better in some athletic events such as running and jumping, and have greater visual acuity. But in IQ and a great number of other biological and social indicators, they are inferior to whites and Asians. It's conceivable that some of that will change soon, but I wouldn't wager much on it.

saintvillain said:
It's interesting vera that you make the point about micro-management and the finite details of ruling the world when in fact the world isn't ruled and to a great degree America{as much of a patriot as I consider myself-often true patriots need be critical of their governments-}wasn't created by a gathering of white men sitting around master minding how they are going to control and create the country from it's induction to the present.
In fact the revolutionary happened because white men put pistols to the heads of other white men and said "fight or I'll kill you".
The barbaric and savage nature of white men CAN NOT go over looked, not in this forum, or anywhere else a wht should sojourn where his/her skin tone isn't the majority or "in power". Fact being most who consider themselves wht have an ethnic identity scorned by those who considered themselves white early on in America's creation, the REAL white people.
America was created actually by Anglo-Saxons for anglo-saxons and by in large there are VERY few of those left, the irish{inside out niggers}, Italians,Hungarian/Checko, Polish and many of the eastern Europeans were considered to be less intelligent than "Niggers". Ever hear about how the irish were hired for little to nothing to put the cotton on boats because the Niggers kept either escaping, taking the boat, or drowning themselves. The joke of the era was that the irish were worth less than a black because you paid the same amount as you would pay for a new car today for a strapping buck black and pennies for the Irish to take your goods onto a boat to be sold, but I digress {wow a fancy word lol }. Dr.Charles Drew, James Peirce Beckworth, Ida B.Wells and a whole host of African Americans{I use that phrase for a reason}, had what it takes to run this country, however, DOCUMENTED and PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGED {by blacks, whts and the US Government}proof of systematic extermination exists. Incidents of lynching blk soldiers during world war two in their uniforms with medals still adorned, denial of equal rights by the North just as much as the South during the Civil War, Right down to Crispus Adducks being left out of the history books as the one who fired the first shot during the Revolutionary War. Drugs pumped into Harlem during the 70's and even today on a wider basis{Niggers aren't brining the drugs into this country whts have too much money to be made from distribution and the legal system to allow that}, the Suffrage of wht woman hood act which was found as a tool wht men were using to disposes blks of property and businesses...look the list goes on and on.
To be brought from another country in chains your culture gone, language and religions forbidden and yet rise through the worst whts could throw at us is proof.
On the same playing fields it's been proven that blacks FAR out perform whts hand down, mentally, physically and emotionally. The same sense of identity, opportunities {without another wht giving a handout to whts}, there is no competition. Btw, the other countries mentioned with people of dark skin they too are in the state they're in because they either trusted whites/wht/ Euro-centric governments or made deals with the white man{I can either note the incidents or books are available without little white lies}.
Speaking of which take a look at the Empire of Andalusia {Moorish= dark skin}, gone now but once made Spain{the superpower during Elizabeth's reign} tremble in it's boots, in fact the war to over take Spain with the assistance of the Nubians was astoundingly short.
As far as ruling the US I think that's small fries comparatively speaking when we look at the number of "M" class planets found yearly, you nor I will see it however there will be a blk planet. While her on Earth both blks and whts will have bigger fish to fry than race...there will be the haves and have nots, the elite and poor, the thinker bees and the worker bees and it's already starting. In fact if you're on this site chances are high that you'll be a worker bee.
I think the only thing that makes people of color stupid or dumb or less intelligent is the blind trust many of us/them put in whts.
I site the difference as a means of illustrating how no other race/group has been placed in a position of possibly ruling the world or US and I find it Ironic. That I've never seen the debated about the Irish,Polish or any other US originating ethnicity. Which to a degree proves the possibility itself.
However, you're right this is a question primarily about eugenics {for those who give it validity} as opposed to what the genome project or the environment factor really means...or at least it's been pigeon holed that way.
saintvillian thanks for the post.zagg the first college in the world was in Timbuktu.LOOK IT UP.stop posting your on racist feelings and deal with facts.trial by jury,the first calendar,the first world religion all in AFRICA.math and science point out civil wars,african nations and detroit but fell to mention THE DARK AGES.where is the white mans history other than STONEHENGE.did he build pyramids in egypt and nubia(sudan) HELL NO.and the pyrimads in nubia are older than the ones in egypt.the whiteman was CRAWLING ON ALL FOURS in the caucus mountains.CAUCASIAN did you catch that NAVIKO.the whitemans history is wars,colonialism,slavery,and other atrocities against the worlds people of color.what other race has done more to the destruction to the people of the world other than the WHITEMAN.The WHITEMAN has done more harm to civilization than he has helped.PLEASE STOP THE BULLSHIT ABOUT THE WHITEMAN CIVIILZING THE WORLD.thats a western lie and an ameriKKKan lie.sure the whiteman is on top now but look how he got wasnt by him being intelligent.THE WHITEMAN IS THE DEVIL.
blackfist said:
saintvillian thanks for the post.zagg the first college in the world was in Timbuktu.LOOK IT UP

Don't need to look it up, cos, unlike you I suspect, I've been there.

Timbuktu as a city was founded in the 11th century and the "university" developed through the 12th century. There are plenty of centres of European education that are older than that.

Get your facts right or you just gonna make yourself look stupid
Sasha said:
i think they should be feminised

the ones who dont should be f...d to have their penis removed?

if fully feminised they could get rights and allowed to be fucked if the black man wants to

every house hold should have a black male a white girl and a feminised white boi

the most feminine ones with the smallest cutest swollen clitdicks then are allowed to impregnate the white girl so to keep a continual loop of white girls and more and more feminine bois.

You are a brilliant white girl! I am amazed with your understanding of the future of white males.
In the future Black dominated world you would have to be teacher i school for white males!

Link Removed

Just would like to stress that it is completely unnecessary to white males because of extension of the existence of the white race have sexual relations with white women. This will be done through artificial insemination with the sperm of white men.
I suggest that it be cum of white tranny "girls" who masturbated during sex with Black masters.
"THE WHITEMAN IS THE DEVIL". And I'm the racist?

blackfist said:
saintvillian thanks for the post.zagg the first college in the world was in Timbuktu.LOOK IT UP.stop posting your on racist feelings and deal with facts.trial by jury,the first calendar,the first world religion all in AFRICA.math and science point out civil wars,african nations and detroit but fell to mention THE DARK AGES.where is the white mans history other than STONEHENGE.did he build pyramids in egypt and nubia(sudan) HELL NO.and the pyrimads in nubia are older than the ones in egypt.the whiteman was CRAWLING ON ALL FOURS in the caucus mountains.CAUCASIAN did you catch that NAVIKO.the whitemans history is wars,colonialism,slavery,and other atrocities against the worlds people of color.what other race has done more to the destruction to the people of the world other than the WHITEMAN.The WHITEMAN has done more harm to civilization than he has helped.PLEASE STOP THE BULLSHIT ABOUT THE WHITEMAN CIVIILZING THE WORLD.thats a western lie and an ameriKKKan lie.sure the whiteman is on top now but look how he got wasnt by him being intelligent.THE WHITEMAN IS THE DEVIL.
Mali and Timbuktu are certainly places I'd like to go. They're not exactly recommended for travel at the moment. They were the southern end of the Trans-Saharan trade route with Morocco. The madrasas of Fez certainly predate any educational institution in Timbuktu, as it as the ulema of Fez that Islamized and educated the Malians. Al-Azhar University in Cairo is said to have been founded in 970 by the Fatimid dynasty. It wasn't a university in the modern sense as it covered only religious subjects. The University of Bologna (10th century) is about the oldest in Europe.

BIGnBad said:
blackfist said:
saintvillian thanks for the post.zagg the first college in the world was in Timbuktu.LOOK IT UP

Don't need to look it up, cos, unlike you I suspect, I've been there.

Timbuktu as a city was founded in the 11th century and the "university" developed through the 12th century. There are plenty of centres of European education that are older than that.

Get your facts right or you just gonna make yourself look stupid
You can probably site the European dominace in two factors: technological (sea-going sailing ships, firearms) and organizational (banking). The causes of that superiority are much more debatable.

saintvillain said:
I site the difference as a means of illustrating how no other race/group has been placed in a position of possibly ruling the world or US and I find it Ironic. That I've never seen the debated about the Irish,Polish or any other US originating ethnicity. Which to a degree proves the possibility itself.
However, you're right this is a question primarily about eugenics {for those who give it validity} as opposed to what the genome project or the environment factor really means...or at least it's been pigeon holed that way.
Fire arms created from gunpowder that the Asians created and Marco Polo brought back to Europe{the Asians used gunpowder to launch projectiles through cannon shaped bamboo}, the Minoans {Not white as I pointed out the difference earlier but Greek and Mediterranean as opposed to European/Western} were the greatest sea faring peoples on EARTH and let's not beleaguer the fact that Africodial bones and artifacts were found in southern most mexico dating well before Leif Ericson and the Olmec stones {Africodial heads } were found in Mexico dating back as far as 1500 BC.
Banking ...Frankly speaking the banking system used today is JEWISH/Hasidic,based in usury,{ ANOTHER reason why I sited the difference between complexion, cultural, and national differences between whts}, and we all know where they come from...they aren't Aryan, aren't Anglo or Saxon but indeed identify themselves as wht based on their skin the second they're Amercianized. Banking is an Eastern concept not western. Usury was outlawed in Christian-dome during the ages it was first instituted in Western civilizations.
Chinese invented gunpowder, but the Europeans invented guns. There's all sorts of speculations about early trans-oceanic crossings, but only the Europeans (of whom the Greeks are certainly one group) developed regular trans-oceanic navigation. I believe that it was the Italians who created modern banking (and related organizational tools such as double-entry bookkeeping); the Jews became prominent in banking for a number of reasons, one of which was a lack of religious prohibition of interest-taking.

saintvillain said:
Fire arms created from gunpowder that the Asians created and Marco Polo brought back to Europe{the Asians used gunpowder to launch projectiles through cannon shaped bamboo}, the Minoans {Not white as I pointed out the difference earlier but Greek and Mediterranean as opposed to European/Western} were the greatest sea faring peoples on EARTH and let's not beleaguer the fact that Africodial bones and artifacts were found in southern most mexico dating well before Leif Ericson and the Olmec stones {Africodial heads } were found in Mexico dating back as far as 1500 BC.
Banking ...Frankly speaking the banking system used today is JEWISH/Hasidic,based in usury,{ ANOTHER reason why I sited the difference between complexion, cultural, and national differences between whts}, and we all know where they come from...they aren't Aryan, aren't Anglo or Saxon but indeed identify themselves as wht based on their skin the second they're Amercianized. Banking is an Eastern concept not western. Usury was outlawed in Christian-dome during the ages it was first instituted in Western civilizations.
Greeks weren't European bro...hence the "LUMPING " I was talking about. Even more so there's speculation and yet in your previous post you claimed trans-oceanic {sea-going ships} for whites rather easily and quickly.
However, with the Italians and and Greeks let me point out that both groups are estranged to what you originally SEEMED to be talking about which are Western Europeans{granted Italians are}, however, if you check you American history books{the real ones as opposed to the white washed clinical books} not one of the groups you've sited as White were welcomed in American or considered actually "wht".
Not one of the groups you and I have mentioned would be welcomed to a klan meeting or accepted into an ARYAN nation group.
This is why I mentioned the difference once again and why I asked if you were talking about Eugenics, why I mentioned complexion of wht as a specific of what you're talking about, however, it seems you have your mind made up and we should probably agree to disagree on many of the "facts" mentioned.
I'm pretty sure you're right, that we're going to have to agree to disagree, and that's fine with me. All racial, even ethnic, groupings are lumpings. Kenyans aren't Cameroonians, but they're all Africans. Greeks aren't Scots, but they're all Europeans. I've read a fair amount about the construction of "whiteness" in the US, and it is a convoluted history. But whatever the Klan or Aryan nation might think, and I have no responsibility for them, Greeks and Italians are now in the club. With globalization, the lumpings have had to get larger and larger, as all of us have to comprehend more of the world than our ancestors did. So we wind up with three large groups: whites (Europeans), blacks (sub-Saharan Africans) and Asians. That rough cut leaves out semitic Middle Easterners and Hispanics, but for a lot of purposes it's quite adequate.

saintvillain said:
Greeks weren't European bro...hence the "LUMPING " I was talking about. Even more so there's speculation and yet in your previous post you claimed trans-oceanic {sea-going ships} for whites rather easily and quickly.
However, with the Italians and and Greeks let me point out that both groups are estranged to what you originally SEEMED to be talking about which are Western Europeans{granted Italians are}, however, if you check you American history books{the real ones as opposed to the white washed clinical books} not one of the groups you've sited as White were welcomed in American or considered actually "wht".
Not one of the groups you and I have mentioned would be welcomed to a klan meeting or accepted into an ARYAN nation group.
This is why I mentioned the difference once again and why I asked if you were talking about Eugenics, why I mentioned complexion of wht as a specific of what you're talking about, however, it seems you have your mind made up and we should probably agree to disagree on many of the "facts" mentioned.
I find it ironic that you say white people are barbaric and all that yet most members in favor of this black rule want white males to basically become new slaves. You want us castrated or f...d to serve. I doubt the world as a whole would condone this, especially in countries where black slavery didn't occur or wasn't as prevalent. If anything the slavery of the past (Of which, I personally had nothing to do with being as I was born in the late 80's) should have taught everyone that what was done in the past is wrong and shouldn't be repeated. You don't see other members of society that were treated much worse staging genocide as revenge. The whole idea that my ancestor did something bad to your ancestor and that I personally should have to atone for it is really idiotic.

As for inventions, we'll give you peanut butter. I mean, it gets eaten everyday and has a huge market, right?
Congratulations on inventing peanut butter. Now talk Lexi Belle into doing more IR scenes. Cause damn, that'd be hot.
Just my opinion.

The answer to first asian then european dominance is in Jared Diamond's book Guns, Germs, and Steel.

The very short answer is that it is an accident of geography allowing both east west and north south trade and migration, agriculture ... large grain crops, and conditions for domestic livestock. These factors allowed large city state developments which led to scientific developments which led to dominance.

It has nothing to do with intelligence or anything else.

I don't do the book justice ... I am not that smart but the book is brilliant.
The serving and slavery and castration are fantasies that a lot of guys seem to have. And they're welcome to them. Fantasies are great as long as people stay aware of the difference between fantasy and reality. Perhaps my trying to inject a little reality into the discussion just stirred up trouble, for which I apologize.

Naviko said:
I find it ironic that you say white people are barbaric and all that yet most members in favor of this black rule want white males to basically become new slaves. You want us castrated or f...d to serve. I doubt the world as a whole would condone this, especially in countries where black slavery didn't occur or wasn't as prevalent. If anything the slavery of the past (Of which, I personally had nothing to do with being as I was born in the late 80's) should have taught everyone that what was done in the past is wrong and shouldn't be repeated. You don't see other members of society that were treated much worse staging genocide as revenge. The whole idea that my ancestor did something bad to your ancestor and that I personally should have to atone for it is really idiotic.

As for inventions, we'll give you peanut butter. I mean, it gets eaten everyday and has a huge market, right?
Congratulations on inventing peanut butter. Now talk Lexi Belle into doing more IR scenes. Cause damn, that'd be hot.
Brilliant but not the last word. Geography isn't destiny. Geography and other environmental factors certainly shape human behavior, but it's human actors that create history.

curiouscraig45 said:
Just my opinion.

The answer to first asian then european dominance is in Jared Diamond's book Guns, Germs, and Steel.

The very short answer is that it is an accident of geography allowing both east west and north south trade and migration, agriculture ... large grain crops, and conditions for domestic livestock. These factors allowed large city state developments which led to scientific developments which led to dominance.

It has nothing to do with intelligence or anything else.

I don't do the book justice ... I am not that smart but the book is brilliant.

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