White Girl Skipped School

You might very well be right about that. He could be jerking himself silly thinking about his daughter and her black BFs.

johnfreem66 said:
Or he knows, is embarrassed and humiliated by it but secretly gets off over it.

Zagg said:
The guy must be a bit thick to not see it.
Its usually the most out spoken racist thats the real closet Black cock fagg!
Damn niggers....ops!
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If he is smart, that is exactly what he is doing. He should enjoy the experience of having a black cock whore daughter.

Zagg said:
You might very well be right about that. He could be jerking himself silly thinking about his daughter and her black BFs.

johnfreem66 said:
Or he knows, is embarrassed and humiliated by it but secretly gets off over it.

Zagg said:
The guy must be a bit thick to not see it.
He sounds like such an ass.

I would be proud to have a black cock slut daughter serving superior black cock ... doesn't seem fair.

the guy is an ass -- ur right about that.

that's why i have no problem not telling him about his little girl skipping school. i think i'll throw some fuel on the fire tomorrow by telling him that kristie was home during the day instead of at school.

i won't mention that she hosted a black that day, because he'll wonder why i didn't tell him when i was over there last night. sooner or later he's going to find out anyway....i just want to see his head explode.

one thing i know is that this is not a girl to listen to her daddy. not after she's been fucked by that black.
There's a good chance that when he finds out it will make his dick hard.

jockboy said:
the guy is an ass -- ur right about that.

that's why i have no problem not telling him about his little girl skipping school. i think i'll throw some fuel on the fire tomorrow by telling him that kristie was home during the day instead of at school.

i won't mention that she hosted a black that day, because he'll wonder why i didn't tell him when i was over there last night. sooner or later he's going to find out anyway....i just want to see his head explode.

one thing i know is that this is not a girl to listen to her daddy. not after she's been fucked by that black.
good news -- the little slut stayed home again today.

just saw her a little while ago going out for the mail. she must be stupid to think that no one would see her. now i'm definitely going to tell her dumbfuck of a father that she stayed home from school.

no sign of any visitors yet. i work at home, so i'll be able to keep an eye out in case the same black stud or some other black returns.
Another possible tack would be to turn the information you've got on her to your benefit.

jockboy said:
good news -- the little slut stayed home again today.

just saw her a little while ago going out for the mail. she must be stupid to think that no one would see her. now i'm definitely going to tell her dumbfuck of a father that she stayed home from school.

no sign of any visitors yet. i work at home, so i'll be able to keep an eye out in case the same black stud or some other black returns.
what do u mean, zagg? should i talk to her? let me know.

the same black showed up. warmer today, so he had no jacket on -- white t-shirt that showed off the body, and the motherfucker is hot. the little slut likes older guys, too, because this brotha is 23 or 24. no doubt he's fucking that white pussy.
Hey jockboy. It's always great to see pretty white girls like kristie showing any signs she perfers black cock. that black is one lucky buck shes putting out for. And your also lucky to be able to witness it. Whenever I get to see niggers and whitegirls making outI considerit myself lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
I agree you don't want to rat her out, that would most likely put an end to things. You might try catching them, like taking the mail out while he arrives or leaves, so she's aware you know but are cool with it. Maybe even ask him to give you a hand moving something (have to work on setting that up) then mention to her what a nice young man he seems to be. Once she knows you won't ruin things for her she may be more open with him in front of you. I'm sure dad will find out in due course. In the mean time you need to work on the next stage of this devious plan, getting her mom interested in some black cock, that should really set him off. Keep us posted.

Zagg said:
Another possible tack would be to turn the information you've got on her to your benefit.

jockboy said:
good news -- the little slut stayed home again today.

just saw her a little while ago going out for the mail. she must be stupid to think that no one would see her. now i'm definitely going to tell her dumbfuck of a father that she stayed home from school.

no sign of any visitors yet. i work at home, so i'll be able to keep an eye out in case the same black stud or some other black returns.
smolder, i thought about it and i think ur right -- if i tell dad about this now, it could all blow up and i'll be the one who loses.

right now i just have to enjoy the fact that this hot little white bitch is skipping school, playing her parents, and fucking a hot black. if she stayed home twice this past week, she's gotta be hooked already.

i have yard work to do today, so i'll see if i can talk to the neighbors and keep my eyes open ;)
So, jockboy, is there any recent activity with this girl and her niggah BFs? I'd really like to know how things turn out. Zagg
i caught kristie as she walked on the sidewalk in front of her house yesterday, as she was getting home from school.

awkwar conversation -- for her. after i asked her how school was (an got that bored teenager answer), i said "must've been nice to have those 2 days off last week." she freaked, but tried to hide it. however, getting flustered and stumbling over words and trying to work her way out of it thru lying didn't help, especially since i caught her so off-guard.

i didn't feel bad in the least, because this is not some sweet little innocent. she dresses like a little whore, and from what i can tell, she is a little whore, so she can take some questions from the neighbor lol

she muttered something about teacher conferences one day and having a bad stomach on another day, and acted like she wanted to get away. so, i hurriedly said, "i guess both ur mom and dad went to the conference?" every time i said something, she stayed another minute to try and create another truthful-sounding lie. the bitch is pretty good at it, and part of me wanted to tell her that.

finally, finally i said, "it was good that you had a study partner to catch up on ur schoolwork." BUSTED!!! she actually said to me, "what do u mean???" honestly, i was enjoying this. i told her i saw the "african american boy" who was there on both of her days off. panic, panic, panic in her eyes. so i helped her out and said, "what's wrong? didn't mom and dad know u had company? i can tell ur upset -- don't mean to worry u about anything."

she stupidly said, "well; i just needed help with my homework, and....and..." i said, "look, kristie, don't get upset. this is none of my business, and i didn't mean to worry u. ur probably also worried about the boy being black, because i know how ur dad feels about blacks." she gave me another stupid look, so i couldn't tell if she was on to me or if she was just relieved.

i said, "just so u know, not everyone feels that way about blacks. for some reason, ur dad is very prejudiced, but i don't agree with him. u don't have to worry, because i won't say anything to ur mom or dad. ur old enough to decide for urself who ur friends are and who u want to hang with." i wanted to say more, but didn't want to overdo it or scare her off.

she just said thanks and that she had to go. just trying to create a situation where things can proceed, so we'll see. i could've told her that a black in his 20's wasn't showing up to study anything but her sweet white pussy lol

anyone have any ideas about where to go next or what to do or say? i'm open to suggestions, and will keep u all posted as to what happens.
Thanks, jockboy. It sounds as if you've really got her where you want her. She knows you know and that you can tell her father whenever you please. There ought to be something in that situation for you.
thanks, zagg. yeah, i think i did ok. glad to get a compliment from a pro black lover like u.

i feel like i got the bitch trapped just enough. i wonder if she told the black about our conversation.
You're a very lucky guy to have something on a black-loving little whore like that. I hope you're able to use it to your maximum advantage.

jockboy said:
thanks, zagg. yeah, i think i did ok. glad to get a compliment from a pro black lover like u.

i feel like i got the bitch trapped just enough. i wonder if she told the black about our conversation.
another car full of niggers drove past again last night -- stopped and hit the horn like crazy right in front of kristie's house.

don't know if kristie was home, but dad tom opened the front door to look out and see what was going on. when he saw the car full of niggers (and heard the thumping rap music), he slammed the front door. yeah, that's my boy tom lol such a fucking racist asshole. i'm going over there tonight to give him some heartburn. i cannot wait to see his head explode when he finds out that his little girl is fucking niggers.

one thing's for sure. more than one black knows that kristie got a bf with a black ass ;) fuckin slut needs to spread the joy and open up to that hot black posse.

(as a side note confession, i have to admit that my whiteboi dick gets hard hearing that rap music, especially if it's some black rapping "ima gonna tap that muthafuckin ass" or "yo, dat bitch white girl is gonna be mine.")
Do you think there's any way you can arrange to watch little Kristie getting it on with her niggah BF?

jockboy said:
another car full of niggers drove past again last night -- stopped and hit the horn like crazy right in front of kristie's house.

don't know if kristie was home, but dad tom opened the front door to look out and see what was going on. when he saw the car full of niggers (and heard the thumping rap music), he slammed the front door. yeah, that's my boy tom lol such a fucking racist asshole. i'm going over there tonight to give him some heartburn. i cannot wait to see his head explode when he finds out that his little girl is fucking niggers.

one thing's for sure. more than one black knows that kristie got a bf with a black ass ;) fuckin slut needs to spread the joy and open up to that hot black posse.

(as a side note confession, i have to admit that my whiteboi dick gets hard hearing that rap music, especially if it's some black rapping "ima gonna tap that muthafuckin ass" or "yo, dat bitch white girl is gonna be mine.")
No shit right. What do you expect to get by telling her dad? A pissed off neighbor, and cut off by a bitch that twists yo shit up. Id offer up a safe place for her to conduct her open mindedness. If you had a pool, or a game room, or someplace they could get busy, it would be so sweet. Then let the pervin begin.

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