White Girl Skipped School

kristie got here 20 minutes before ty last night, so i had a chance to talk to her. didn't make a lot of eye contact, because it makes her nervous. she speaks more freely when i'm busy doing something and talking to her.

she brought a couple different outfits "for tomorrow's party" and i gave her a dresser drawer to use in one of my spare bedrooms. didn't look at the clothes at the time, but i did when they left. pair of low cut jeans, short short shorts, slut thong underwear, a couple tops that were low-cut. i wanted to blow a load all over her clothes, but i held back lol

i asked about her sister, and she said she had 3 gfs over, so it was all cool. asked her if her sister knew about ty. she said yeah, but repeated that she wouldnt talk. have no idea how right she is about that. i did tell her to stay cool with her sister and don't do anything that will piss her off. i said "u know how girls are at that age," and kristie said, "yeah, she's a bitch already."

got a chance to tell her she looked nice for ty (she had on jeans and a tight sweater) and told her they're a good couple, blah, blah, blah. she kept looking out the window for ty's car, which gave me multiple chances to check out her tight ass in those jeans. and yeah, she had heels on, although not real high ones. i tried to let her know that i was cool with "whatever" and that they looked good together.

it was good when ty showed up, because she was getting bored with me, and i didn't want to constantly talk and end up sounding like big brother.
ty actually gave me a head nod and a "wassup" when he came into the house last night, which was cool. then he saw kristie, got this sly smile on his face and said "damn, bitch, u lookin good."

believe me, that made the night for kristie -- he didn't have to do or say one other thing after that. ty had on a hoodie and sweats, and just looked fucking cool...definitely a fine looking and sexy black. kristie smiled back, went right over to him, and opened her mouth wide, and i actually saw her tongue even before i saw ty's. that little slut knows how to please lol while they kissed, ty's big black hands went immediately to her ass, squeezing and grabbing.

we talked a little, but i knew they wanted alone time, so ty said "let's hit the couch, baby." i told them to go ahead and that i'd get them some snacks and drinks. i made a few trips into the room with them, wanting not to stop anything, make kristie nervous, etc., and it all worked out great. over the next 2+ hours, i got to hear some good conversation between them, saw his hands all over her tits and under the sweater, saw ty rubbing her pussy while she still had the jeans on (he didn't stop when i saw them, and i think he felt powerful when i did). then he started messing with her jeans snap, and because they were so tight, he couldn't undo it. that's when ty said "unbutton the goddamn jeans, bitch" and she did.

at some point, i asked ty if they needed anything else, and he said "what we need is a goddamn bed. my dick is bustin'." and then he gave me this look like he knew what i was thinking. by then my whiteboi dick was dripping, and i showed them the bedroom where kristie put her clothes in the drawer.

(getting ready for their arrival tonight at 9, so i'll try to finish this later....)
Man, JB, you are such a lucky dog. You are really getting on with the lovely little bitch and with Ty. Who can tell what delights will transpire if you keep earning their confidence! Keep on doing what you're doing.
back to fri. night when i showed ty and kristie the bedroom....

i was hoping they'd leave the door open, but they didn't. ty shut the door as he smiled at me and said "we will see ur ass later." with the door closed, at least i was able to listen pretty well.

at one point ty told her "this is better than fuckin you in the car" and kristie just laughed. he barked a lot of orders/directions to her such as "get them jeans all the way off" and "lemme see that ass." he also said a lot of things that made him sound superior and dominant like "i get that pussy all wet, don't i?" and "u know this black dick ruined u." kristie seemed to respond to everything he said, agreeing with everything he said.

i'm pretty sure a period of sucking followed, because i heard some gagging sounds. then she said "how do you want to do it?" and he said "want u to ride it."

must've hurt at first, because she was making a lot of noise, crying at first. the one line i made out from him was "it's goin in, baby." it was more than clear when the real fucking started, because kristie's cries turned into cries a whore would make. i could just picture that naked little bitch riding ty's big black dick and loving it all. of course, but then i was stroking my whiteboi cock furiously.

it was VERY easy to tell when ty shot his load, and it was clear k. took it in her pussy. he kept repeating "fillin u up, fillin u up." i hope that fucking little slut knows how lucky she is. soon after, i went back to the kitchen so they didn't catch me outside the door. it was another 20 minutes before they left the bedroom, and they left soon after.

before cleaning up the living room, i practically ran to the bedroom to see what was up. the sheets were all messed up, and ty apparently sweats a lot. the smell of black stud was all over them. i won't lie -- i buried my face in the sheets to smell for juicy white pussy and hot black cum. not sure i got any cum, but definitely got some black sweat.
Here's hoping that the time comes when you'll be able to see his black hands all over her tender white body.
My suggestion is you're missing out on a fantastic opportunity in more ways that one. You probably won't have another chance like this come along ever again, so you should do everything you can to capture every detail of it while possible.

I knew of a similar situation a few years back, but wasn't involved directly. I was the friend of a friend so just enjoyed hearing the updates. Similar story, young slut was fucking the neighborhood black stud while her parents were at work. Dad traveled for work so was not home very often, giving her much more freedom. They would fuck almost daily when she got home from school. Maybe I'll post the entire story after this thread finishes. My point was, the person who knew her secret definitely enjoyed his pleasures with her in addition to her other activities. And if I had direct access to her, I would have definitely used my knowledge or leverage at every opportunity.

First off and while you still have leverage over her with her old man, you should use your relationship with her to your advantage in every way. Have her coming over as often as possible whether Ty is there or not. If you wanted her for yourself, then take her. You're protecting her secret, so she can keep you a secret as well. If not, then take photos and videos of her to post here and enjoy for yourself later. Years from now, you can still be pleasuring yourself looking at her pics and vids. If you look at some of the most popular content posted on most boards such as this, it is usually captioned photos with some story or tagline. You get the erotic photo along with a stimulating story or caption to enhance the photo even more. You've got a 100% slut in your house, and you don't start snapping photos of her in every room, in every position, in every possible situation you can think of? If this were me, she and I would be taking a trip to the local sex store to buy every lingerie and sex toy either of us thought was exciting, and then coming home to model and test out every purchase in front of my lens. Tell me watching the video over and over of her fucking herself on your bed with the largest black dildo they have in the store, glistening in baby oil would not be worth whatever effort it took?

On top of that, if Ty will go along with letting you photo or video them together, then capture every minute. You could play up the angle of wanting to watch how a real man fucks, playing into his ego. Could even offer him money just to watch them together. Whatever you think would appeal to his personality. From the time they walk in to the time they leave, capture everything. Most of those "moments" which are burned in your brain like her being grabbed and deep tongue kissed happen on the spur of the moment, and the only way to capture those and relive them later is to capture everything and then cull out the wheat.

If Ty won't go along with it, then I would grab as many hidden camera devices as possible and do it anyway. Hidden cam alarms clocks, motion detectors, there's no limit to the cameras you could put up to capture the action. And of course, we would all expect to see the fruit of your labors. I've used those alarm system motion detectors hidden cams several times and as long as the lighting is decent, you can save some amazing footage.

Having many hidden cams would also be mandatory for me if you were going to host a party at your house any time soon. Being able to watch what happened in every room the next day after several people were sucking and fucking all over your house is a fantasy everyone could appreciate.

This is important. If you are going to photo or video anything, for fucks sake don't use a $3 disposable camera. If you don't have one, go buy a 8+ megapixel digital camera, preferably an SLR model. Something that will take gorgeous photos with almost zero training. If you can video without hiding the camera, go buy a HiDef video camera so the video will be excellent as well. Both should run you from $5-1000 if you shop around, and let's face it. Is watching these videos or looking at these pics for the rest of your life not worth $6-800? I bet anyone on this or many other forums would offer you 10 times that amount for a chance to just watch this unfold. Invest in your pleasure while it lasts.

Lastly, and probably most dangerous to you, would be to use Kristie as a gateway to meet girls (or guys if that is your thing) for yourself. Sounds like she runs with a sexually liberated crowd, and one or more of them would probably be interested in partying with you. She would probably be willing to introduce you to one or more friends out of gratitude for helping her, or you could always "blackmale" her if she wasn't 100% willing to go along with things.

Bottomline for me in reading this thread is you are extremely lucky to be in this situation, so don't let any opportunity pass you by to gather every detail you can before it's over. Don't kick yourself years from now because you didn't do something. Be safe, but be aggressive and collect every photo, video and personal experience you can before it runs its course.
have been crazy busy with work, so i'm behind on my updates, i know.

i never got to telling about the party on sat. night, so i'll do that here or in another message.

i appreciate the messages from u guys, all the support and suggestions and advice. it's been cool but crazy thinking of ways to make this work and get kristie and ty over here as much as possible.

disavowed, thanks for all the advice -- it's great, and i'm going to do what i can. i do have leverage over her, and i want to max it out while still not scaring the slut off. so far so good -- she's trusting me, and she's more open around me. she knows i told her dad that everything was cool at their house last weekend, so she probably feels i'm a partner to her crime lol i have a good camera, so i'll work on getting some pics.

it's a good idea to play into ty's ego, for sure -- he def has one, and i have no problem treating him like he's in charge. he's been very cool when i say things about kristie and her girlfriends, so i want to amp that up.

on to sat. night in a minute....
wasn't sure what if anything was happening on sat. night until i got a text from kristie around 6 pm saying "we'll be there after 8." had no idea who that meant or how many.

kristie got here with 2 of her friends around 8:30, and one of them was high on pot. all 3 looked like young whores, which was fine by me. i just assumed they all knew what the deal was, and i was right. one of them had a lot of attitude, and she kept asking who was showing up with ty. all 3 were very fuckable in every hole.

ty didn't show up until an hour later, a little pissed off about all the texts k. had been sending him. he had 3 other niggers with him, so i'm guessing he took the party suggestion seriously. before long, it was clear that ty was the group leader, although none of these niggers was to be messed with. one of them was deep, deep black, and although not as goodlooking as the others, i kept picturing how awesome it'd be to watch him fuck some blond.

k. told ty "where u been?" and he ended that conversation with "bitch, don't even go there." she backed right off. all went into the living room. i have sirius radio and a great sound system, so one of the niggers found a hardcore rap station and turned it up. some snacks, lots of drinking, although one of the niggers kept saying that my beer was shit. it wasn't, but if that made him feel good, i was ok with it.

one of k's friends was sitting between 2 of ty's friends, so close that the thighs on both of them were touching hers. before long, one bruh started playing with her neck and her hair. the other slut was talking to the 3rd black and she was def one flirtatious slut. then it got a little crazy.
kristie'd gone to the kitchen to get more beer, and when she came back into the living room, she walked by the 3rd black, who grabbed her ass and said, "damn, this is sweet." kristie pulled away like she was offended -- and that did not go down well with ty. it got quiet for a minute (except for the black rap), but was cleared up fast because k. gives in to ty right away.

he said "bitch don't act like that. if he wants to grab ur ass, he's gonna grab ur ass. that's my boi ur messin with." he made her go right over to the black who grabbed her ass and she apologized. he told her "with an ass like that, no need, baby....no need." then he put BOTH hands on her tight sweet ass and squeezed. k. stiffened a bit, but she knew not to act out or say anything.

next thing i heard was the brutha telling her to sit on his lap. she looked at ty, who gave NO sign of yes or no on his face. it's like she was supposed to know what to do. she sat on the black's lap, which was the right choice. he kept telling ty how lucky he (ty) was to have such a fine piece, such a sexy lil thing, etc. then he said "u feelin me, baby?" and i knew she was, because he was throbbing hard in his sweats, and kristie could feel it. the black loved it that she felt it and he laughed and told ty, "black, no wonder u hit dat pussy."

he kept her on his lap for at least 20 minutes, and in that time she got more comfortable....maybe it was the drinking, maybe ty's direction, maybe just because she loves niggers. finally he said, "i gotta take a fuckin piss," and when k. started to get up, he pulled her back and said "i get a kiss first, baby girl. ur man told me u know how to do it."
then he put his big black hand on her neck and pulled her in, and kristie went with it. u can only keep the slut down so long, i guess. if u had seen her kiss that black, u would've thought she was fucking that one.

ty just said, "she knows what she's doin." that black's tongue was down her throat, and she gave it right back to him. i thought, u little fucking whore. when he finally got up, his big black dick was practically bustin thru his sweats. he grabbed it and said, "see what u did, girl? u got up just in time" and then he headed for the bathroom.

long story short, that was so fucking hot i couldn't believe it. the girl sitting between the 2 brothas left with them and they said they'd take her home. no idea how that played out. the 2nd girl was pretty wasted, but she left with the black who was kissing kristie, and ty and kristie headed back for the bedroom they used (and abused) the night before. again, ty closed the door, so i gotta work on that lol
Man, JB, it looks as if you're really in the catbird seat. All that succulent white pussy. All those swaggering, testosterone fueled young niggers. Kissing. Making out. And you're right there. Let the orgies begin!
I visit every day to check in on this thread.

Great stuff, JB! You lucky dog.
Hopefully soon he'll be letting his friends do more than kiss her, getting her first gang bang in your house.
Man sounds like you need to test the waters a little. Break or rig your door knob so it wont stay closed and the door keeps swinging open. Or you could, take the door knob out of the door, so that only the hole remains. Tell them, that it broke on you the other day and you haven't gotten to the hardware store yet. Its a win win. Once they are hot and bothered. They will get tired of trying to keep the door shut and leave the door open, or you'll have a hole to peep through. Provided the area your hiding in is darker than their room they wont be able to see you watching.
You need a hidden camera in that room, capture those moments forever. It doesnt cost that much, then you could record and monitor everything from your computer.

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